that the economic system of Capitalism is a form of government?
He’s a person who cant govern his own emotions talking about government LMAO
You seem to be operating under the assumption that what I am doing is out of anger and that, therefore, these posts are written out of a sense of spite or resentment.
Well, let me disabuse you of this notion. I am neither angry nor resentful about the posting policies of ILP. The post I was warned about in my complaint thread… that occurred on october 14th, 2005. Nearly two years ago.
Reading certain posts in the philosophy forum (and else where) I noticed what i would describe as an even further decline in the quality of discussions, which I attribute, in part, to certain persons framing their replies on some subjective narrative because what they were replying to was, in many cases, just a short open ended question.
Now, I am not opposed to this kind of inquiry, what we might term the Socratic method, provided that the persons initiating the discussions are knowledgable about what they speak and open to different views. I say open to different views because what is occuring is that the original poster will make an open inquiry then bemoan subjective replies while adding nothing beyond his own.
This sort of discussion is fine for Mundane babble, but it should not be as prevalent on the Philosophy Forum, where it should be assumed that if someone asks a question, they should at least regard the answers given, rather than continuously parrot broken response. It is the original poster’s responsibility to clarify himself, especially if he or she is going to pretend to be knowledgable enough to use the Socratic method. Since such persons have not demonstrated that level of knowledge, and their threads consist of nothing more than a recitation of likes and dislikes, I feel they are open game to my form of criticism.
If this bothers them, or you… well, I would advise growing a thicker skin. As far as I can tell I am within the rules of ILP in doing what I do, and as such, I will continue to strive to set the bar higher, by ridiculing just how far it has fallen.
Thank you and good day.
LMFAO!! sure you’re not being spiteful (sarcasm intended)… multiple posts to fuck up the boards is a mature and rational way to ‘set the bar higher’.
Every time you come by you only end up wingeing and whining and ironically, the standard plummets. If you want to raise the standards, just leave.
Why not take your knowlege and the socratic method to the threads that you have problems with and force the poster to nail down some definitions and illustrate to him the fallacy of induction until he understands that not everything is relative in all contexts? Or that a lack of absolute unconditional truth about the boundaries of existence doesn’t mean that we can’t make shockingly accurate predictions about a million things within particular sets of assumptions.
I mean, this just seems like something that you would do out of frustration. If you’re right and he’s wrong, go beat him. If he’s playing a lesser game, it should be easy and maybe even fun.
Says the guy engaging in repeated ad hom attacks.
Seriously, if you don’t like my posts, then don’t read them. Again, as far as I can tell I am not breaking any rules. I do thank you for continually bumping them though.
You don’t even know what he term ad hominem means LMFAO – so much for “setting the bar higher”
three years ago I would have agreed with you… (well with most of what you said. I wouldn’t agree with any argument making use of Intrumental reason/predictive knowledge. But that is a different discussion altogether). there have been cases where certain posters were… reformed, I guess you could say. But in my experience, by and large, ridicule seems far more effective. And as I once stated in another thread not dissimilar from this one, I do not believe it is fair to require of me a different standard than that allowed for others at ILP. Consider it a response to that which was once only allowed, but is now tacitly endorsed.
There’s a distinct pleasure in beating someone at their own game.
I merely refer to this usage
) No ad hominem arguments
This is not a playground. In order to produce high quality philosophical discussions we expect the posts to contain a good level of courtesy and respect. If something has angered you, walk away from the computer and come back when you have a clear head. It helps no-one to start throwing insults around the place. This rule is two-fold: Do not use personal attacks to further your argument (argumentum ad hominem) and don’t use insults at all.
From the section on forum rules and posting guidelines. Examples include personal insults along the lines of those you have used against me. Since this does constitute a violation of the rules, I do thank you for sacrficing your posting priviledges in furtherance of my stated goal.
That is assuming that they do ban you. Personally I would prefer that you stay. But we will see, afterall… rules are rules.
If they don’t ban you for all this shit I don’t know what they could ban you for. I mean, you’re having some kind of nervous breakdown and taking it out on the whole board. This isn’t just gonna piss off the mods that you’re trying to prove a point to, but the rest of the forum members who can’t find their posts because they’re 4 pages back.
I didn’t post that many posts, and the vast majority of posts I made are legitimate questions (though many are phrased in ways I mimic from those I point to in my complaint thread). Personally, I wouldn’t mind continuing the discussions concerning Leviathon and the Federal government in the United States and the one concerning Globalization and the sub altern. I would probably favor a few others, but given the hour, i don’t feel up to it.
It won’t piss off most of the members. Most of the members can’t remember posting to the thread an hour afterword. Why? Because most of the posting is just inane superficial bullshit, which was what GCT was pointing out.
Oops. Did I just break the tabboo of not pretending to be pretending? I apologize most profusely.
But then, we do seem to keep coming back don’t we…
This thread is locked. Tone down the ad homs.