Why do people party?

Why do people party? Why do they consider it fun?

Why is it fun to drink?

Why is it fun to go to a bar or a club and dance and drink and talk to other people?

Why are some people perfectly content at home with a book and a cup of cocoa?

Why do people party? Why do they consider it fun?

Socialization is a vital part of the human quest for identity and, by extension immortality. How isn’t that fun?

Why is it fun to drink?

A variety of different reasons. Naturally, raw biochemical/neurochemical ones take the forefront here – it is fun to be intoxicated! Naturally, puking drunk isn’t fun, but that a mild buzz is enjoyable is as close to a fact as we are likely to come in such a perspectivist conversation!

Plus, exposure to a wide variety of flavours that are not present in other foodstuffs is another answer. Fermented products have always played an important role in cultural gastronomy. Heck, check out Korea, those dudes ferment freakin’ everything!

Why is it fun to go to a bar or a club and dance and drink and talk to other people?

Combine the answer to the first question with the answer to the second . . . and add onto that the atavistic joy of dancing and what isn’t to like?

Why are some people perfectly content at home with a book and a cup of cocoa?

Neurological imbalance.

so youre saying homebodys have mental problems?

Seek out the Spirit of Dionysus! People seek INTOXICATION!

That is: an abunbance and overflowing with Life through Sex, Sexuality, Will, Narcotics.

For: the loss of Self in the crowd, for riotous behaviour, for the exhaling of primal enegry, for the release of instinct!

“The god on the cross is a curse on life, a signpost to seek redemption from life; Dionysus cut to pieces is a promise of life: it will be eternally reborn and return again from destruction” - Nietzsche

Dionysus as ecstatic celebration of life! But in modern life, that celebration can so easily be viewed as, mindless self-indulgent partying, but it is also a necessary expulsion of the energy of Life.


Social convention.

Because it’s a socially conventional way of breaking down the repression of social convention.

Because they sometimes tell you things you wouldn’t otherwise here. Plus, people are fun to gawk at while they dance badly.

Because social convention barely touches you when you’re home alone.

People party so that they can meet people like me in person and be captivated by my charm and enlightened by my wit.

people party to meet new people or to hang out with all your freinds at the same time or both. OR TO GET LAID. which is usually right at the top of my priority list on a friday night. and if you dont you can get fucked up so its a win win.

The only bad dancers are the people not on the dancefloor.

No… they’re not :laughing:

As for the question:

People party to get fucked up and/or laid. The rest are marginal anomalies.

They’d rather masturbate.


What if they masturbate, then get stoned, then go to a party and get drunk and laid? Does that make for a well adjusted personality?

That’s a well rounded intellectual if I ever saw one :wink:

I don’t party, drink, or go to bars. When I was younger I really liked those things, but now I don’t.

I don’t know if there is anything wrong with wanting to stay home if it really makes you happy, but I think a lot of people don’t go out because their shy. Some of those people could have fun partying if they could get over their fears.

Alcohol is what a lot of people use to overcome their fears. Booze helps them to relax so they can do the things they can’t when they’re sober.

What might be an interesting question is what the world would be like if there was no alcohol. My first inclination is to say that partying would be totally different than it is now. I don’t know what form it would take, but I think you and me might find it more agreeable to our tastes.

I imagine it would be similar to that of raves fueled by E.

If there were no drugs at all?

I had the same thought and I pictured the scene from the Matrix where people seemed to be dancing and sober, but I don’t know about that.

When I was 18 I could have gone to an under 21 dance club, but I never went because I didn’t like dance music. It was for wiggers I thought at the time.

so people get f’ed up to remove their insecurites and/or to forget about who they are and their problems momentarily?

I think a better question is:

How much do you really think we’re altering our consciousness when we ‘party’/‘get fucked up’.

I mean, perhaps we’re oscillating around the same general unenlightened corner of our brains and the difference between us sober and drunk isn’t all that much of a change? Really, all liquor does is take your inhibitions away to reveal the grand mastery of all your accumulated and suppressed baser instincts/

What if the future held ‘drugs’ which would reform our very intellectual stances and philosophical methodologies? No more short term stupidity/altered states, but pertinent building of your inner workings.

I think it’s obvious that drugs and altered states can lead to dumb perspectives, comparatively, but I think they (or the research of it) also hold the key to escaping this mental prison we’ve found ourselves arrived in.

Most of the people here find it hard to carry on a meaningful conversation with the ‘average’ person and that discrepancy is only going to increase as time goes on unless we do somethign about it. People are being conditioned into stupidity and I think that somewhere in drugs lies the shampoo to wash away years and years of institutionalized absurdities which block mental progress. Things like public school, and such.

So then really, what youre suggesting, is that everyone should write a novel, date a woman and plot to save the world while drunk?

I think what I’m suggesting is that you stop trying to find validation in being a recluse loner hermit who sits around sober on an internet forum.


Because everyone here will give you a 20 page discourse on -anything- before they concede and say ‘Oh yeah… you’ve definitely got an inherently good life plan going on there’.

that doesnt mean it isnt a good life plan