Why do people smoke pot?

I dont get it. What exactly does it do for ou ? I mean is it like alcohol? Is it cause you’re adddicted to it? WHat’s the point? How horrible would life be if you could never smoke it again?


so…its like alcohol then…but whats the difference…why would u want to be addicted to a substance?

Addiction is just the extra package with escapism.

The goal of the usage is too feel good in a form of ecstasy because one is stripped of pleasure in real life that they feel the need to find it elsewhere. b[/b]

The goal is to escape the miserable world around you in a sense.

I’ve never taken any illegal drugs, but I’m of the view that people smoke cannabis 3/4 for the pleasure and 1/4 so they can feel like “bad boys”.

While this is a somewhat crude description, it’s this effect that I’m most interested in achieving when I smoke.

That is to say, I don’t smoke pot to ‘get high’, I smoke pot so that I can do the things I normally would do while the above effect is taking place. In particular: talking, thinking, message boards, video games, movies, sports, sex, eating, etc. - all of these ‘trivial events’ are generally enhanced when I’m high.

Generally speaking, hallucinogens enhance my ability to ‘live in the moment’; they help me to focus on what’s right in front of me, and preclude, so some degree, my mind’s natural desire to wander off and think about things that aren’t directly related to the moment I’m living.

While this specfic effect doesn’t always occur, when it does, the results are grand.

I use it because i have Asigial Reflux. I have to much acid production, it relaxes my stomach and also gives me an appetite, i use it for medical purposes. But it also gives me a very “good” feeling allover. Getting High is a recreational activity for me as well. something i do when im off work. Calms me down, relax, laugh. Its a harmfull , what you consider a drug. I consider it a Hobbie. I enjoy growing. Harvesting. Consuming.

Because they are sad.

Nice thread. I’ll chime in with my response later.

theres a difference between the two addictions. Alcohol entails a physical/chemical addiction of which can cause physical harm to you if you go “cold turkey” on it, and over use can cause liver, heart and brain damage. Pot entails only a mental addiction, which you could go cold turkey and not feel pain in the process, and it also has medicinal benefits.

Pot completes me.

For the same reason that I do anything, because I like it.