Why does Physics have two different theories:
Classic and Quantum ( + SRT) ?
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In CT time and space are two different mathematical objects,
and in QT they are one connected object (system).
In CT mass and energy are two different physical parametres
and in QT they are joint parametres (in one particpe ).
In CT rest energy of one particle is equal to zero,
and in QT rest energy of one particle is equal E=M^2.
In CT the reason of motion is outside impulse,and
in QT the reason of motion is inner impulse of particle.
The CT explains the change of position of one particle
(object)by Galileo transformation, and QT explains the change
of position of one particle by Lorentz transformation.
The CT uses principles of causality and determination
to explain behaviour of one particle, and the QT uses
Heisenberg,s "Principle of Uncertainty " for this aim.
What is the reason for these differences?
The reason is one:
The QT discribes the behaviourof photon/electron
(in Vacuum and microcosm), and the CT discribes the
behaviourof of all other particles, objects
(in our 3D Earth space and macrocosm ).
The CT and QT are two breanches of one tree of Physics,
which we must understand and describe in objectiive terms
(and not be surprised by their paradoxs).
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There is a simple, practical reason that classical mechanics is still employed: it works. While quantum theory may be ‘more correct’ in the current paradigm for explaining how and why it offers little, if any, predictive powers. One of the principle points of quantum theory is uncertainty… great for writing a PhD on but quite useless when you are trying to employ the uncertain elements for a goal. It is merely that classical mechanics are established as effective regardless of ‘truth’, even if they are fundamentally flawed epistemelogically they are suitable for practical means because they work.
Quantum physics is used extensively in all manners and in all engineering endeavors like electronics etc. It is the most precise theory and has been proven correct many times over. Quantum electrodynamics is the most precise physical theory every and has been used extensively and has a huge predictive power.
Physics, in all of its forms is but the study of the anatomy of God. Have you never read the book “God’s Equasion”? Look for it at your local library. A very interesting read.
Yes I should have said that Quantum Mechanics is unusable for most people.
Certainly it has been proven correct time and again as well as used to improve technology. But think of the average person with a BS in Physics, here they have devoted much of 4 years studying Physics and how comfortable are they really with Quantum? Perhaps right after graduating we can do a few basic things but as the years wear on what we can do drops to almost nothing.
Theoretically there is no reason why we could not teach physics starting with quantum in high school without ever mentioning classical theory, and teach people to do basic problems by approximations of QT. Why don’t we do this? It is just too hard, and the theory is not developed in a way that we can really visualize it.
Science moves in paradigms, as noted by Thomas Kuhn in his History of Scientific Revolutions. Classical and Quantum theory are competing theories and perhaps a synthesis of them will eventually be found. I think Classical theory is more useful for calculating how bigger bodies move where quantum theory deals with the small subatomic levels.
Perhaps, I am more hopeful that a synthesis of Quantum Theory and General Relativity will be found within my lifetime, then that there will be a synthesis of Classical and Modern. Although synthesis may be the wrong word, quantum just needs to be developed in a way that is more intuitively understandable.
Quantum has been around for a long time, I remember reading my grandfather’s physics book from the late 1930’s and realizing that he was taught basically the same physics, including quantum mechanics I was, this really hit home to me that quantum is not a new theory.
Kuhn also talks about the period of crisis being relatively short and normal science needing a certain degree of stability to operate. I don’t think we are in a period of crisis and I think Kuhn showed that there needs to be some type of crisis where scientist cannot do their normal work in order for one theory to replace another one.
General relativity will be tossed onto the trash heap pretty soon.
It was a good party while it lasted but its last bastion, cosmology is coming apart in light of more practical explanantions of observable phenomena like black holes and the vast discharges of electromagnetic energy we see across the universe for which GR has no plausible explanation.
I have a friend finishing a degree in Chemical Engineering who only has an understanding of QT from outside sources and off comments. Perhaps my well has been poisoned but I did not believe it was as widespread as you propose it is.