is it just me? or am i right? why is it so? seriously, why?
thats not ture
as matter of fact
all the people like nice women/men
especial for young ladies or girls
because of they’re passion creativity
imagination .
also love to the normal life .the will to future
This depends on context/situation. Depending on the circumstances, nice people can be liked, ignored or even hated.
What does being “nice” and “nice people” mean to you?
analysis or synthesis
the philosophy of language or classical philosophy
Nice people show just how not-nice other people are, when they are reflected back at themselves through the eyes of the nice people - people tend to hate those who show them in their true light.
I grew tired of meeting mean folk, and made a conscious effort to only socialise with their opposites - you will be in a much happier/better place, when you do!
There is suspicion and doubt riddled in everyone. We know our capabilities of evil, therefore we can always assume that people are at the very least, as evil as we are, if not moreso.
This creates paranoia. We start to wonder what it is these people are trying to cover up, rather then take advantage of the fact that they are nice and live comfortably beside them.
I don’t tend to like nice people, because most nice people force themselves to be nice over some abitary moral scheme. As if somehow denying your emotions makes you a better person.
Don’t contain the beast, let it out, and let it maul your adversaries. Show everyone how you truly feel, and what you truly think. Obviously I wouldn’t reccomend you just go batshit all the time. But that’s in your own self interest. Not because there’s anything inheritly wrong with going batshit. We don’t do it nearly enough. That’s why we have assholes.
And rather then confront them by being dicks and fucking those assholes, we become pussies. And then the assholes just shit all over both of us!
I’m nice and everyone loves me.
…you know I love you, Smears, and I don’t bandy my love around easily neither
i think there might be truth to this. the whole denying your emotions vs. just showing how you truly feel. But i dont know if it is best to always show what you feel. The bible advises to not get angry and bite your tongue as much as you can.
Ice Ice BABY
Oh shit, my bad.
Was there a topic to this thread or is it just more trash from Ice?
Everyone likes nice people, but because alot of people are not nice, nice people get exploited
define nice…? There are many different types of nice…for example…pretty and nice, brilliant and nice, dumb and nice, uber nice, mildly nice…nice is never just an isolated, simple term. People will hate you on different levels. I’m super nice, but only to those who deserve it. I used to think you can change evil people, but usually its a hopeless case…so … I tell them I’ll slit their throats and send their kidneys to their parents in the post if they look at me again and then they run away screaming. Works like a charm every time. Ignoring them is even better, but I get the really sick ones and then i demolish them right back.
People dislike nice people (men & women both), because they are weak, socialized, and feminine in their nature.
whats wrong with being feminine as a woman, what do u mean socialized?
Women who use femininity are strong, but they will be attacked by other (ugly) women for it.
By socialized, I am referring to men who claim to be a part of any particular society. They are socialized.
You could not be further from the truth here, far from being weak, the “nice” have the hardest position in any society. The exploited are never weak, just resigned.
news flash, people suck.
There are people who are assholes in public and private and people who are assholes in private only
Niceness from strength: The ability to allow yourself to be vulnerable in front of people who must exploit vulnerability in order to mask their own. It’s not that people don’t like nice people, it’s just that they hate themselves.
Sometimes “nice” is just a way to say “needy” or “passive-aggressive”. Few people like that.