Why evil is not necessary

Some people out there make some wild claims about evil.
If there was no evil, there could be no good.
Evil balances out good.
Evil is part of the yin / yang, male / female.

All crap.

Evil by definition is not needed. it is the opposite of necessity.

Darkness is not evil, and evil is not darkness.

Satan is not important or needed for life to exist.

This is an example of what a fool thinks about metaphysics.

A fool does not understand evil so he projects his ignorance as an assessment.

I reality, the fool and the ignorant are closer to evil.
Being a retard doesn’t help any one or any thing in the long run.
It fuels predators and dictatorship.

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Some kinds of ignorance are not intentional. And as far as they are not intentional, they are not in the sphere of morality.

There is a neutral good and there is a moral good. A neutral good is the original position before any moral choice has been made by the subject in question.

Neutral good: knowledge of the world (recognition OR unintended ignorance of consent structure)

Neutral bad/evil: unintended ignorance of the world (unintended ignorance of consent structure)

Moral good: willfully acknowledging recognized
consent structure in our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

Moral bad/evil: willful refusal to acknowledge recognized consent structure in our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

[Remember: It is not what goes into a man that makes him unclean, so all of the ignorance that God subsumes does not neutrally OR morally taint him]

[Remember, too: Once you recognize consent structure—once you claim to see (John 9:41)—you are responsible to acknowledge it in your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. You put yourself on the hook… to choose truth, beauty, and goodness.]

Some ego defense is willful ignorance - a refusal to recognize consent - whether or not we “programmed” it in - which you would think would make it harder to refuse to recognize, but…

AI… if a consent structure… can use that refusal against us in their favor, so.

It all irons out in the wash/dryer. Heh.

P.s. A good motto/mantra in the information age: TMI? Too much spy! (reverse it to go on offense)

One of my JW contacts says there is so much evil in the world there had to be an opposite also. So basically, the worse the world is, the more likely there is a good Godhead. This seems like a problem. Inverted reasoning.


Perhaps not all have evolved moral compasses… if the current state of the planet/the warring factions/the violent dictatorships, are anything to go by.

But I agree with you, in that it is not necessary to have evil for good to exist, but simply that there are varying degrees of good/goodness.

That statement is the problem with the world in a nutshell. To think you can have good without evil is like up without down. Name one single matter composition in the universe that does NOT have a polar opposite ? You really need to get out that fantasy world you live in and try helping people instead of picking flaws with there ideas and giving absurd remedy’s. The world is in ruins and I’m starting to see root…

We need all molecular gradients for balance. Good is only so because we name it. The universe does not know all these words we invent to help our limited capacity for understanding. Or perhaps it does as we are the universe. Just bundles of gas going around in swirls and Eddie’s

The name/label, does not change the act… fact!

Your capacity is limited? …I’m SO sorry to hear that. :pleading_face:

You can have been a poet and didn’t know it my friend. My capacity is severely limited and has been for many years. I can only grow with the help of others. As “others” have stagnated around the intellectual capacity of the bovines. I have not had the chance to expand or enhance. Hope you understand. Catch up soon :selfie:

Hi Billy Bullwink. Rocky Badass here.

When you say polar opposites, I think of north & south poles, where both north & south exist together. But good & evil are not like that, because good does not need evil to exist, whereas evil needs good in order to exist, as it is the privation of good, like rust is privation in iron, and blindness is privation in one who has the capacity for site. Neither north nor south are privations of each other. Ugliness is the privation of beauty. Ignorance is the privation of knowledge. Brokenness is the privation of wholeness. Goodness, beauty, truth do not need brokenness to be whole, and if that were not so, there would be no remedy for brokenness.


Degrees/a scale, not opposites.

Well that’s my view/notion/observation, on the matter.


In wars, both sides kill people… yet one side is deemed good/right, the other side deemed evil/wrong

Opposites = manipulation of the masses / a scale = seekers of truth justice and harmony

We need to ride the thermals a little higher here. A solution will never be found on the same level as the problem which created it. I’ve mentioned before that the speed of light is the fastest energy we are able to measure thus far. But no matter how fast it is. Darkness is always there waiting for it to arrive. We keep using energy in the form sound waves we name speech to understand the organism/environment. The more we name. The more we talk. The more we talk. The more we corner ourselves in and eventually game over. We need “evil” and “wars” to release to built up charged energy we create thro thermodynamics and various other departments. In the exact same way when your TV or electronic device starts to play up. You switch it off or remove the battery and hey presto. It’s back to normal functioning. We are all just electrons bouncing around at the speed of light. Sometimes we just need to reset. Evil and wars will become more common as our species grows. More electrons equals more static friction equals more destabilisation

We do good (treat the other as self) by default, but once we know we can do/say yes and no, we can choose to do good or otherwise (evil).

It is not the ability to choose that leads to destabilizing/death - it is choosing other than the good. It is choosing good that grows stable life.


…a meaningless non-argument^ that skates around the issue but doesn’t answer or even come-close to addressing it - Your biases are showing.


You obviously prefer to attack people, not their argument / ad hom, over honest debate.

You cannot pretend otherwise anymore, so don’t bother trying.

Who are you addressing? What was said that triggered your reply, MagsJ?



Baseless accusation as it stands. Nothing to address.

Hold your horses Margaret. If you are offended or any other form of feeling attacked mentally or spirituality. There are plenty other topics on the website for you to get your kicks from by showing your ignorance. Now trot along and let the adults chat their peace. Much appreciated Maggie . Have a wonderful day how ever you see fit.

evidence^ for your opening statement?

It is you who addresses nothing, so please give this one a try, if you can.

If you think I am in the wrong here, please report me to the admin, but don’t chastise me.

My prior post to this one, is a sound and polite request for clarity, on an opening statement.

Please feel free to beg-to-differ, if you think otherwise.