1. Every child needs to grow to maturity with an absolute standard of goodness set as an infallible measure of ethical behavior.
  2. That standard must be universally applicable, invisible and unknowable.
  3. The Absolute cannot be limited by any religious dogma, political and economical ideologies, or by science, for all of them are subject to misinterpretation, manipulation and corruption
  4. Children must be educated to recognize the dynamics of opposing polarities, which in turn give rise to laws of cause and effect.
  5. They must be cultivated to see and appreciate the fact that diversity, symmetry and order predominates overwhelmingly in Nature above monotony, distortion and chaos, and therefore an essential striving towards excellence in original and creative expression motivates the behavior of all living organisms.
  6. TheY must be aware that these factors explain the Divine characteristics of God-ness
  7. They must see that good behavior is rigorously policed by natural laws of non-trespass.
  8. They must be brought up to realize that any and all trespasses on Nature are subject to a series of increased warnings, followed by punishment if those laws are violated and the warnings ignored.
  9. They must be able to fairly judge and understand that the enjoyment received from beauty has to be balanced by the pain that comes from disfiguring it.
  10. Since all literate cultivation is founded originally on Holy Scriptures, and all civilizations are founded on the religious observance of those world scriptures, it is only right and proper that proportionate comparative studies should be given to them in the same classroom that teaches them everything else. Pupils should be made to distinguish the importance of the messages of assurance of the existence of Goodness that all Holy Scriptures proclaim, and the contentious claims by their ministers as to their divinely exclusive origins.

all this be achieved in science and philosophy classes

Metaphysics. Or, Ethics, take your pick. I prefer the former.
Instilling ethical behavior leads to sound science. Sloppy science is indicative of poor ethics. Hence ethics and intelligence are closely inter-related.

Yawning in some-one’s face is impolite, which is unethical, which puts a question on your level of intelligence, especially if in demonstrating pseudo-sophistication you have nothing intelligent to add to the conversation You have trespassed, which has now lead, inevitably, to unnecessary poor relations between us. Nothing productive can come out of it. You would have done better to remain silent.

Perhaps you can accept this as a 1st grade lesson in the advantages of polite behavior.

By what authority are you the messenger of God’s ALL-CAPS formatted word?

Ahh have beeen to de top o de mountain!!
Ahh have a dream!!!
All of God’s lill chillen will be treated equally in de schoolroom!

In some communist countries, the education system was especially targetted with certian sorts of mind-conditioning and mental training, having to do with the moral correctness and salvational nature of communism…

“Brian washing”…

Much preaching exists in this same fashion…
An institution of propagators claim authority to describe what the ultimate nature of the universe is like, and thus controlling the dreams of the public. It’s a sick game that has existed throughout all of history, and in “free” capitalist societies, it’s mainly seen on the damned, snowed TV.

Dan tildae,

aren’t MagnetMan’s arguments reducible to an idea that the Traditional-Christian Ideas on which our society has been based for centuries are a sucessful meme, while revolutionary ideas imposed on a new society are an untried and possibly unsucessful meme? Would you address the argument put this way?

How many Brians were they able to wash?

Um, but the universe is actually like something. Once a group of people get a handle on it (scientists, preachers, or some other thing), of course they’re going to teach it, and of course it’s going to seem like brain-washing- it will be the same thing over and over (because it’s true) and it will be very persuasive (also because it’s true). I mean yeah, we’d all be ‘freer’ in the short term if we just made crap up and believed any old thing for no good reason- and some people do that. But there’s such a thing as bondage to one’s own fantasies as well.

The central idea that Christ put forth was the original revolutionary concept of loving our neighbors and turning the other cheek when they misbehaved. It was then and still is the only path to universal peace.

That idea is the central tennet of Christianity and it is not reducible - for it enshrines an immutable Truth. The fact that the ministers of our culture have not concentrated on teaching us the message and instead have deified the messenger is symptomatic of our still-developing collective teen age consciousness which still needs rock stars and film stars to idolize.

On the other hand Marx’s revolutionary idea of dimissing faith in a Supreme over-consciousness as an opiate has been tried and proved to be a disaster. Without God an an aboslute standard of goodness, the way was made open for all kinds of social corruption.

Einstein said that science without religion is like a brain without a heart. A society without god has no ultimate purpose for being. We end up just being shit-machines - albeit sitting on a porcelain toilet…

Christian Ideas…
Centuries as a successful meme…

Wait a minute…
What’s that word?
[the] [size=150]“Dark ages”. [/size]
Don’t go back! Don’t go back! PLEEEEASE don’t go back into the dark-ages!!!

Jesus is dead, leave him alone, and get the jews the hell out of your cultural melting-pot! :laughing:

Jesus didn’t invent love, and “Christianity” has a horrible history that most people tend to want to ignore. Don’t you know how corrupt organized religion is?

Up until the time of Christ it was universally believed by all cultures that might was right. Every ethnic group believed it was exclusively divinely appointed. Love for neighbor was not part of the social dynamic of that period. The strongest ruled and all alse bowed before it.

Christ was the first home-spun philosopher to realize that might could never truly rule the human spirit; that only kindness and understanding could succeed in the end. No other person before him ever realized that, or if they did, gained a significant following by preaching it. That revolutionary idea of non-resistence to force did not offend the might of Rome of course, but it did undermine the Jewish resistance. It got him crucified by his own people. Christ is not respnsible for the violent distortions that were made in his name.

I have stated in this thread that poltiics, religious dogma and science are all subject to distortion, mis-representation and corruption. I am arguing that Belief in the power and goodness of spiritual influence is necessary to instil ethical behavior in the classroom - which in turn will reeflect better academic performance. I am not advocating indoctrinating kids to spout religious dogma based on false claims to the exclsuive ear of the godhead. As it is now, only 1% of students are motivated to excell. 40% drop out, And cheating at exams is endemic.

I believe that classes in metaphysics and ethics can change all that. I have home-schooled my kids on that premise and have acheived optimum results, both academically and ethically.

You sir – are full of shit…

That’s just a flat-out lie.


I mean, damn… Buddha was born many years before “Jesus Christ”, and “Jesus” may not have even existed.

What is this crap?


Non-resistance to force is the very essence of an atrophising, irresponsible apathy. Cowardly. Submissive. Suicidal shit!

You wanna turn the class-room into a carismatic cult of personality?
Viva la fascismo.

Methinks thou art deluded, foul knave.

He’s doublethinking and rationalizing because he wants religions BS to come to terms with social benificiary reasoning. He’s left with lies and words of association, adding more fuel to an old-old cultish fire. He wants to curb the social momentum of christendom back into the schools, and magically make it better somehow, as if, after all of these thousands of corrupt years, humanity can instantly and suddenly make the bible better and use it right, etc. Bible was never right in the first place. All of that shit about blood sacrifices and the flood, and adam and eve, it’s not actually good for the mind. But people sophistically try to slowly REMAKE christianity again and again, that’s why so many damn denominations and cults sprang out. They want to milk this old cultural movement.

Dan tildae,

I should have included in my past post that when I wrote “Traditional/Religious” I was including pre-Christian philosophy as part of the Tradition. Take Plato on the virtues and you get something different from the principle “Might makes right.” Of course philosophers tended to get killed too. I think MagnetMan realises that this was a prelude to Christianity, and that Christ was the one in whose name these more merciful types of ideas suceeded.


He does it because he wants others to believe, because his belief is worthless without that of others. All morality works this way.

There are examples of treachers like Socrates who could lead in morality without relying on others’ beliefs. They can support others without support from others for their beliefs. They know what they’re about. The only one who needs to agree is God. We see this in the death of Christ as well.

That’s too plastic!

You’d be “worthless” too without “others”. I mean, you’d need atleast one close one to mate with, or the species would go extinct. Power and control come from fame and concent, often.

I think mag has “good intentions”, but it’d be a bad result, if it was ever done, because humanity needs to GET PASSED old myths, etc.