Why I admire people older than me ...

This happened back in early spring, but it’s worth the telling in my opinion, it still makes me laugh when I think about the incident. I am not likely to forget it either.


Being the son of a former Army service man from Vietnam era, turned productive business man, I was raised with certain understandings regarding “manliness”.

The relevant one pertaining to shopping. As I was reared, shopping isn’t a “manly” thing, so it should be done with precision and expedience, and no frills like baskets or carts. Basically, grab what you need and get out.
This has been my method, as learned from my father.


The lady wasn’t feeling well that evening, and requested I make the store run, so she could cook. I agreed, even feeling the “ewww, shopping” creep up on the nape.

As always, I approach the establishment with revulsion, and make ready to do my whirlwind rounds, to minimize the damage accrued. I am doing my best “Jesse Owens at Krogers” routine, and anticipating an incident free sprint to the self check out, (I don’t mind self check out, it avoids standing in line being accosted by “girlie magazines” and that awkward conversation with the unentertaining person running the register).

Mind you, this requires some visual work on the reader’s part, to understand that in about seven to nine minutes I have raced through 21 isles, my arms, (wingspan six feet three inches), are now loaded with bread, eggs, bacon, milk, sourdough pretzels, butter, coffee, etc. I can handle the load well, as long as I am moving, weight/bulk less of an issue with speed. I can see the target area, just around the corner of liquid beverage isle, and literally I start counting the steps to my exit of the store.

Then it happens. I am stopped dead in my tracks by an older gentleman, wide brimming smile, cigarillo dangling from his lips, and bright alert eyes, almost boyishly charming. He passes a glance at my load, and issues a salutation. I must have “sucker for older people” written on my forehead, because he immediately starts to converse with me, most congenially. A bit of politics, a bit of weather, a touch on the economy, and the load I am carrying begins to strain my endurance. But I don’t move, even though I tried a few politely dismissive glances at the self check out. But I refuse to be rude to one of my elders, so with some deep breaths, and a few beads of perspiration on my forehead, I let him continue. I’m not joking here, it’s been about ten minutes, and he knows he has me, I just thought he was a jovial, amiable fellow who liked to talk.

No, it wasn’t that simple. Just as he winds down, he looks me dead in the eye, “Say, do you happen to have a book of matches, I want to take a smoke while the Mrs.'s does her shopping?”

Completely moronically, my brain actually indicates that I should attempt to shift the precariously held load in my arms, to dig in my pockets for a book of matches that I know I don’t have, and never have had, ever.

Then something stops me. His face changed. I notice the right side of his mouth curl. Is that a smile? Or is he in some sort of pain? Oh god, this fellow is prime age for a stroke, or a heart attack? Oh shit, I am going to have to drop everything in my arms, there’s something bad about to happen …

He sees my reaction, winks, and walks on laughing … I’ve been served.

This was official notice from the elder gentlemen’s club that young guys don’t always have the upper hand. Age and treachery will always defeat youth and skill.

I couldn’t help it, I busted out laughing. He held me there the whole time just for his own amusement of my attempt at youthful manliness.

I can’t wait until I am old and crafty like that, and have time in my day just to terrorize someone younger than me, just for pure self amusement … LMMFAO … what a riot.

Conclusion: Older people rock, quite totally, and deserve respect, because they’ve been around long enough to know the tricks … especially the ones you would never expect from them.

Hear hear… more respect for our elders would make our countries better places. Great story.


I love old people!


The frightening question is what do you all consider old?(squints crow footed eyes and crosses weathered arms)

LOL, a great story! A friend of mine in ILP has noticed a bit of treachery in me… not that I would EVER do such things publically! :^o I find a bit of sadistic amusement of helping extreme positions held out on the limb just as far as they can go, and then hand 'em the saw…


People like us are perpetually 12 years old. Just break all the damned mirrors… :laughing: Or perhaps we’ve always been old and mischeivous and we’re just catching up?

Internet forums don’t count, Kris!

On the internet, nobody knows you are a dog.

this dog still learns new tricks, just slower :laughing:

Tent, believe it or not there is only one mirror in this house and that is on the bathroom medicine closet.

I think we are just catching up. I am used to people shaking their heads at me or rather about me.LOL :laughing: I am waiting for the time I can go around pinching young mens rear ends with impugnity :evilfun:

Treachery? From tentative? Say it isn’t so!!!


Now my narrow, self deluding perception of reality is all skewed … I thought my elders were here to help me, not lead further down the path of destruction …

Oh the shame of it all. :cry:

Excellent piece of writing, Mas. I enjoyed it. I was watching my 86 yr old uncle last night who has Alzeimers. I was watching him watching his sons play cards and his joy was infectious. He was so filled by it and I knew then that if he dropped dead in an hour, he would go a happy camper. [size=75]Then there is my mother…[/size]

I will add to thirst’s message: I love old people with a good attitude.

‘I wish that I knew what I know now when I was younger’

(who sang that song?)

Age brings with it great hindsight, a job well done, a life endured, expressed, loved and loathed! To remain cheerful in Old Age is a grand statement of spirit, i think, i have met some truly interesting older folk, and they shame todays (and yesterdays and tomorrows) frivolous youth.

I’m sure there is an Egyptian saying that you should judge a persons quality of life by how cheerful they remain in old age or before death.


Sorry, but it isn’t just treachery. Anyone of any age is capable of that. It is cunning treachery that is the province of old age. If you’re unsure of what that means, ask Kris. :laughing:

Kris, I can hardly wait till I’m old enough to say whatever I want - and get away with it. I never thought about the gentle bottom pinch… hmmmmm. :evilfun:

lady Bessy,

I’ve never met an older person, cranky, cantankerous, what have you, where a couple of warm conversations doesn’t them bring around …

I love older people, all of them … even the angry and seemingly unpleasant ones have the best stories …

I’m not saying I know anything, but sometimes, they just want to feel respected and be heard … a willing ear is usually all it takes.

Just my opinion lady. (Case in point, look how I soften up old, old, old ass tentative, get him to come out of his “shell” … LMMFAO … oh come on, now that is funny)

I’ve heard the saying, didn’t know it was a song.

Egyptians have some of the best colloquial wisdom, so I am sure you are right … probably ninety percent of the “common sense” stories we use come from Egyptian histories.


You know you will pay for that…and it will be terrible!

But tentative,

If I allow you the “cunning treachery”, then it becomes conclusive of a fairly high degree of intellect, which well (______________________)

LMMFAO … score!!! One for the young guy.

j/k brother … well, sort of … LOL.

forget the leash you old cunning treacherous incorrigable dog we are getting you a training collar, not the choke, the zapper :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: If the bottom pinch works for crafty old men it will work for the women too, I plan to lose all dignity and play.


Bring it old man, I ain’t skeered!!!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



Dignity? Losing dignity?

Too late! :wink:

LMMFAO … :evilfun:

Its my facade :blush: , it may be missing in places, but, I am attempting to patch it up a bit here and there. I am not sure why but, I think I should attempt to keep what is left for a couple more decades. :laughing: :wink:

don’t walk too close Mas [-X I think it may be catching. check out Tent, and Faust and er um Well the other lady hides her dignity behind her skirts well. :laughing:

It breaks down like this, basically:

Mastriani - still young enough to be strapping, and mildly hedonistic.

Kriswest - Old, but not to the point she’s not still desirable.

Bessy - Older, still desirable, if she can remember who you are long enough to get her home without calling the police on a “total stranger”.

tentative - doesn’t remember desirable, hell, rarely remembers himself, but then, for the guy who planted the first seed on earth … that ain’t half bad …’


I am going to run away now … far, far away. I have a strange paranoia that people are looking for me …