Why I am so noble, full of virtue and truth:

I was walking around this morning, dew was still on the grass.
8am, early morning.

I saw a dragon-fly on the street and its head was missing.

It was still walking around a little bit, but it couldn’t fly or do much anymore.

I am so true, I knew it was a real dragon fly. I truly picked it up, and truly caried it into my true house.

I could not feed it, as its head was missing, but I still wanted to take care of it, as I am full of the most noble of nobles, compassion and love for all things sick or defective. I left the other normal dragonflies alone.

It’s not dead yet, and if it “dies”, its soul will leave pure, unscaithed, to live with the gods in Olympia.

A few hours later, the dragonfly is still moving around.

My thread is amazing.

Sometimes people move around like that too.

What’s your point?


Virtue is the behavior art of manipulating others for profit.

That’s so true.

But it’s also true truth that it is a virtue to give to others and make the opposite of profit from others.

My point is that the dragonfly can still live without a head,
And people can still live without reason.
That is the truth of true. It’s a virtue to presist beyond limits of reason.

If you’re better than self-aggrendizement, and I am great, then what are you? Paragreat?

I like übergreat m’self. A nice cross between Nietzschean and heavy-metal sensibilities.

When it helps selfish egos I am sure.

People give to charity for their own selfish inclinations. I really don’t think a true selfless person can exist or ever has existed to begin with throughout time beyond man’s many constructed gods.

No, thats not virtue but immorality. That IS the philosophy of God, not meant for us. Only him with unlimited life can afford the high costs over time. JMHO.

" I really don’t thin a true selfless person can exist or ever has existed."

They might have, but died very soon. Probably some Indian tried this long ago. Only works when you can live again and even then you must compensate or risk disequalibruim. Note that this does not mean win/lose situations, else we’d all hate each other.

All I am saying is that behind every action there exists selfishness.

Indeed. To be otherwise is to bend into the world. And it WILL kill you as, apparently, designed to do.

So what if there is selfishness within selflesness. If one out weighs the other that is what should count. Why discount the act just because of what is a small portion of the act? Does not the greater intent count?

Greater intent is an illusion to make oneself feel better over others.

If he has no self and no ego he is not a self, therefor not an individual or an entity or a person; just and only a nothing, which is the ultimate goal of selflessness, as that too is a nihilism.

Okay, mystical man. Tell me more truths about God so that I can learn the greatest and most important things.

Makes sense. :slight_smile: Although I still vilify all morality that may stalk selfless actions of those persuasions that your are talking about. :wink:

Also, somthing else has come to my mind:

Are all forms of selflessness the same? Surely not all people go into the acts of selflessness for the same descriptions you have applied to it.

Well selfish acts make your own body better.
Selfless acts only make another person’s body better.

Without self-love there can be no love for other individuals.
One step then the next step.
First able to take care of thyself, then to take care of others.

People will make the word “unselfish” into something stupid and then say how stupid that word or concept is… But let’s not talk to them at this time.