Why I don’t believe in “evolution” or “creationism”, in the standard ‘sense’ of the word.
“Evolution” : Very gradually, through random mutations, a primordial piss turns into everything. No. Totally un-observed and un-provable, especially during the most early organic stages of existence.
video.google.ca/videoplay?docid= … =evolution
video.google.ca/videoplay?docid= … =evolution
[ I didn’t mean for these anti-evolution arguments to be sourced by Christians, but what’s said is said. Still some good questions here.]
I don’t need to try very hard to disprove evolution’s supposed means. Example: human facial hair. This, genetically, in its entirety, does not aid survival, therefor it should have been subject to evolutionary neglect, and it should not exist. Why do I have eyebrows? It’s a pretty simple question, but one of a billion things that natural selection should not have produced so specifically and universally.
(When I’d defended the idea of evolution earlier in some posts, this was defense of parts of the idea, and not the whole. Eventually I realized that, despite how rapidly and widely the word’s use had become, the word’s meaning did not suit its common application. Change, development, etc. These words are not “evolution”. “Evolution’s” promoters attempted to claim rights to all change and development as proof of their ideology and part of their “truth”, in the same way that creationists claim all things which exist are “evidence” of their creator. It’s been common-place for human ideologies and faiths to lay-claim to as many “truths” & “facts” as possible, becoming more and more biased as every moment passes, seeking victory over commendatory beliefs, soon having nothing to do with reality in-and-of-itself.
With time, I began to realize that my entire language and culture was built in such a way that it would cause me to think incorrectly… I realized that it was motivational duality… The ‘reason’ why a person feels emotion for a movie or a TV show [which is not real], is because humans devout their entire life towards experiencing each other’s fantasies. Ever since someone is born, their self-image is based upon the opinions of the people around themselves, and these opinions are mere estimations, or more often, desires. Therefor, the human is an estimation and a desire, deep inside, and when approaching the real “truth” [not that this word holds any value on my tongue], the inner-self of the human suddenly becomes afraid There is an apparently deadly nothingness which accompanies the real “truth”; an opinionless, neutral substance known as fact, which the human, ever since conception, used as a tool. When someone comes too close to objectivity, they come too close to becoming what they, for so very long, only used as a means to satisfy their desire and their bias. Reality, without opinion, is dead. Truth is useless to man.)
“Creationism” : A big Jew makes everything right away because he felt like it… Not even gunnu go there.
Morphic ressonance, no matter how misunderstood it may be, shows me that the natural effects of subtle, universal inter-connectivity & a sympathetic universe capable of reacting to itself in a primordially conscious fashion. It means that you are the universe and the universe is you, but your form & structure is just a small part of an integral whole.
The entire “logic” behind the idea that cause & effect, body parts and “individuals” are separate: – this idea was invented by the epidermis It’s just human instinct talking, it’s not a fact. If humans are not isolating parts of the whole & then labeling them into classes, and when reality is not being turned into “knowledge” by the preceptive digestion processes of the human brain, – reality is not split up into small parts. Isolation is focus. Focus is a tool which the human mind uses to concentrate all of its conscious-energy upon a single target, in an effort to obtain the most personally-beneficial information first, whilst being a perpetual form of bias and non-holistic perception.
Eventually, during a TOE, &/or a supposed explanation for the origin of existence, the methodology of concentrated focus will fail.
In the same way that humanity’s claims of superiority, rights and intelligence fall short of what humanity actually is, their claims of what reality is – have left much to be desired. It’s been a frustrating, outward display of supposed “proofâ€. It’s been a form of contest, and “logical†overcoming. It’s been about human satisfaction.
I’ve made a sober choice not to believe in humanity literally; not to take humanity literally.
Modern medicine is a perfect example of the way society thinks here:
If one part is too hard to deal with, cut it off; suppress symptoms of a condition; and face the problem only after it has already happened.
Facing “reality†is often not as appealing as the supposed liberation & relief of death, due to the drastically misplaced expectations of humanity. The main fuel for ignorance – is fear. Fear is a form of abortion, by any means; there are many, many forms of fear.