Why is everything so boring?

The second I get bored my mind occupies itself with thoughts, to distract me away from boredom…
might have something to do with my mother telling me to go kill myself, whenever I told her I was bored,
she would say… if you’re bored go kill yourself… I (obviously) found something to do. :laughing:

Never, ever, ever say life is boring …

Hell, by definition, is NEVER boring!

You may work it contrary , for someone said a time ago that hell is full of fun, it is heaven that is dreary.

I don’t know…maybe it’s because you were bored when you wrote this.

Lucky you.

That just comes with age.

Or, everything is too predictable or, totally unexpected.

A deep boredom descended upon me, in the early hours of this morning…
I managed to shake it off by dawn, but for those few hours I felt awfully lacklustre.

I really don’t want to ever feel like that again. :neutral_face:

I find frequent and violent masturbation with plenty of lubrication does the trick to keep me awake. Porn is evil and decreases IQ so I always remain a loyal and healthy Aryan and stroke to fantasies of healthy, neo-nazi, blonde Germanic females working in a field, occasionally stripped to a plough instead of a horse as Uncle Hitler was a SUPER-EMPATH and loved animals and banned horse farming.

Much, much more is the approach to meta philosophical deconstruction toward an insolvent absolute. It really boggles the mind that a recursion to metaphysical absolutism can not parallel physical simulation.

if you’re bored
you’re boring

Jesus r u into BDSM?

if you’re bored
you haven’t been paying attention

How did PY get from boredom to BDSM? da f! :laughing:

ph0ne is definitely a freak.
never bored.
always some candles or whips around.
:blush: :blush: :blush:

…and how do you know that, PY? ; )

…or are you thinking wishfully? Hahaha!

my ig handle is elbdms
but it’s bdms, not bdsm
i get that a lot
dms are my initials

Ohhhhhhh… so wishful thinking on his part then, because I’ve not read it as that.

…but, then again… I ain’t a male. :slight_smile:

i came up with it on my own
thank you very much
dont have IG
havent visited yours since you posted it few weeks ago
people might perceive you sexually love-bite
given the type of stuff
i prefer Spartan boys
they are better
at wrestling
