Why is Islam [in part] So Evil?

I would recommend all people to read the Quran so they are not ignorant of the ultimate cause of all Islamic-based terrors, evils and violence. It is not easy to read the Quran because literary wise it is so disorganized and messy. But one must make some attempt to understand the good and evil elements in the Quran somehow.
I am onto a project to re-arrange all the 6,236 verses of the Quran in an organized and systematic theme that will be easy to read and understand.

The Bible is off topic in this thread, but on a side note;
The Bible [especially the OT] has more evil and violent elements than the Quran. But these evil elements are not directed in a way that will inspire Christians to commit terrible evils and violence. This point is supported by the current evidence.
In addition the OT is superceded by the overriding pacifist maxim of love your enemies with no ifs nor buts. There is also the golden rule, love your neighbors etc.
If a Christian were to kill her/his enemies, s/he is likely to be reprimanded by God on Judgment Day for disobedience. Christians may have killed non-believers but there is no way they can use or do it in Jesus’ name at all.

On the other hand, a Muslim will be heavily rewarded if s/he strive in the cause of Allah in fighting and killing non-believers under conditions of zalim [ZLM] and fasad [FSD] by the infidels. In fact they will be rewarded more if they are killed in fighting.

Breaking News!
Six killed in central London attack

This is the glaring evidence and proof to support the OP, “Why is Islam [in part] So Evil.”

There will be more to come as long as Islam with its malignant part of evil elements exist. The average humans especially the regressive left and Muslims apologists must wake up to understand the root cause of all these terrorist acts is from Islam [partly] itself.

I accuse those who strive to shut critiques of Islam and Muslim apologists as complicit to the terrors and evils committed by SOME Muslims who are evil prone and inspired by the evil laden verses in the Quran.

Hello Prismatic

Ok. What I am adding then is that maybe, just maybe, you should look into a common set of circumstances in all of these types of “evil” (and I place quotations marks because evil is mostly a perspective based assessment. If we could agree that it is the infliction of pain upon another sentient being for no reasonable purpose, we are still left with the perspective of what is reasonable. It is not a universal value and neither is evil and so " "). You have in history periods when the roles were reversed and Islam was the tolerant society and Christianity was the intolerant society and thus, I argue, there must be something else in the causal chain besides books.

I know that you want to narrow this to this one religion, but I am just suggesting that by doing so you’re missing something that might be very important.

The evils committed by a few, out of 1.7 billion. If the root cause is a book and the religion associated with it then we would have a much worse problem with terrorism, especially in America. I cannot trace evil to Islam because there are many instances, like NYC, where Muslims just go about their own business, and so I presume the causal chain must include other factors that you are willfully ignoring in order to neatly, and without further due, lay the blame for evil on a religion. I can cite the Inquisition as a religious terror, but this is no longer the character of the Catholic Church. Can you explain why is that? The Bible in itself contains “difficult” passages. You have argued that these are not relevant to Christians and the NT and its message of “Love”. Very well, then there is the conquest of Cannan, detailed in the Torah, (still used by Zionist in justification of their most aggressive actions), however something happened and now we do not see Jews stabbing people on the street, or killing an entire town, including the cattle. So what has happened? The books remain unchanged but how people interpret them has.

By that logic, 20% of evil prone Jews (3 million potential), and evil verses exist, so where is the corresponding Judaic terror? For every ten attacks we should have at least 1 attack attributable to the jews. Is this the case, and if not, why is that?

How do you explain Christian minorities in Muslim countries, such as Egypt?

For one you say that such eradication is unfeasable. Further, if Islamic extremism is related to an innate tendency, then what do you suppose with those in your 20%? They probably will only use another excuse (race, class) to release their personality. But, in such a world, without Islam, such violence could not be labelled “Islamic” and so, you say, would be dealt accordingly. Fair enough. But couldn’t we do that already? Meaning, couldn’t we apply Law without looking to judge billions for the actions of a few hundreds? You have tried to narrow this conversation down to just the Muslim religion. Couldn’t the conversation draw down even further to discuss the individuals who perpetrated these attacks? But if you won’t, then explain how you justify scaling up the discussion to include the Muslim religion itself and not expanding further to include it monotheistic siblings which have been as guilty of religious terror?

When solving any problem [one of my problem-solving techniques] there is a question of efficiency.
One of the efficient process is to break down the problem to its smallest manageable units and dealing with them without sacrificing the big picture. What is needed thereafter is to find as many groupings, types, categories, by root causes, etc. for the various evil.
There are many techniques to do this. Are you familiar with the fishbone technique?
Therefore it is inefficient to start with lumping all evils into one big category.

The problem statement is defined on the head of the fish while the fish bones represent the various types, class, etc. of the causes.

Now if we are to analyze the evils of humanity from 100,000 years to the present, one will note there is a significant kind of evils that is linked to religions, then to the different type of religion and at present so-called Muslims.
Whatever the groupings we must trace all of them to their ultimate root causes.

I have done very extensive research and noted there in the present there is a big group of evils that is linked to Muslims, 20% of evil prone Muslims and the loads of evil laden elements in the Quran [as well as the Ahadith].

"Evil’ is the opposite of ‘good’ and it possible to give the range of ‘evils’ some standardize value. Surely there is big difference between the evil of genocide and the evil of a petty crime. So it is not difficult to agree of a hierarchy of evil from mild to the worst.

Nope, as I had stated I will do a reasonable analysis for all the types of evils and trace them to their ultimate root causes. I will not be missing any element.

As far as the Gospel is concern, there is no big issue as there is an overriding pacifist maxim as a ceiling to ensure Christians do not fight and kill their enemies and they are exhort to love their enemies, neighbor and generally ‘drown’ in love of others.

As I had stated there are more evil and violent elements in the Torah than the Quran. What is critical is whether the evil prone Jews as inspired by the evil elements in the Torah are committing as much violence as the evil prone Muslims by the Quran. The answer is very obvious in terms of numbers of evil acts. Note there are 6++ millions compared to 1.5 billion Muslims [20% evil prone] being exposed to evil elements in the Quran. So our attention must obviously directed to evils and violence committed by evil prone Muslims.

I am not being bias but this OP is on evil prone Muslims. As I had stated we must address all evils from whatever the sources. In the future humanity it will be more efficient to wean off all religions [replace with foolproof approaches] and retain the good elements from their spirituality.

Point is we always start from reality, i.e. real empirical evidence of real evils and violence.

Judaism fit into the above model since it has all the elements but the empirical evidences do not support they are committing glaring terrible evils and violence at present. So there is no need to put that much of attention to Judaism and the Jews but that does not mean we should ignore them totally. It is just a matter of priority. If the strategies are to get rid of religions, the first will be Islam, then Judaism followed by Christianity in term of their potential to promote evils and violence.

Note the increase of Muslims from day one since Muhammad started preaching. He converted about 100+ in the first 13 years of Muhammad preaching in Mecca but the number of Muslims jumped to 100,000++ within the next 10 years after he went to Medina which is surrounded by stories of wars and atrocities. Thereafter Islam continued to spread along with its imperialism. There is no denial there is an element of conversion by the sword directly and indirectly.

There is no compulsion statement in the Quran but the story is restricted to Muhammad [in his early days] advising his newly converted followers not to force their children and kins to convert immediately. This is not a generic decree.

As I had explained all evils must be addressed and resolved [reduced] in time. However we are dealing with religions in this forum and Islam in this OP.
I believed all religions has potentials in contributing to evils as committed by their believers.
The source of evil is mostly by the evil laden elements in the holy texts and also as an organized religion. Note there are no leading evil elements in the holy texts of Buddhism, but the evil prone Buddhists do commit evils and violence. There are also many scandals [corruption, rapes, crimes, etc.] within Buddhist temples. If humanity can survive without religions at all, there will be no more religious-based evils by humans.

The evils and violence from religions that is inspired by evil elements in religious texts is the most dangerous kind of evils as a threat to humanity.
The reason is religious [theistic] people are driven by a very potent existential crisis where people are willing to do anything to ensure their salvation [belief] is secured. Note Abraham was willing to kill his son for his own personal salvation. Some will even go to the extent of killing themselves for God to safeguard their salvation.
Why Islam is extra dangerous is because the Quran is claimed to be immutable, perfect, complete and final, thus cannot be changed at all.
Therefore the evils and violent elements in the Quran that are likely to inspire the 20% of evil prone Muslim will remain eternal. Thus it will be a real evil and killing machine.

On the other hand whatever that trigger evil and violence in a non-religious setting is not subject to immutability and their beliefs and attitude can change to the good and better. Note Nazism, fascism, communism and other ideologies are subject to change, elimination as proven in reality.
But Islam is the only ideology that cannot be changed as commanded by Allah in the Quran.

The other element that is difficult to change [not immutable nor impossible] is the DNA elements variation of evil that infect the 20% which is common to a % of all humans.
This is why I do not assign the primary blame to Muslims as human beings for the evil and violence they committed. They are merely the 20% of humans who were unfortunately born with an active evil tendency. The critical blame is on the ideology of Islam which contain evil and violent elements that trigger & compel these unfortunate % of Muslim to commit evils and violence in the name of Allah and Islam.

Muhammad was possessed most likely by a daemon.


He was a warrior.

I agree somewhat.
DNA wise all humans has the potential to be evil.

In Muhammad’s case, his evil potential was highly activated within his psyche.
Muhammad, being an exemplar to Muslims has inspired SOME Muslims who are evil prone to commit terrible evils, terror and violence.

Yes, he was a warrior and wore many other ‘hats’ i.e. trader, preacher, messenger, ‘pedophile,’ etc.

That Muhammad was a warrior and being an exemplar to Muslims has inspired SOME Muslims to war against non-Muslims [merely because they are disbelievers] since Islam emerge, at present and into the future.