Why is murder wrong? Lets drop the fear of God, worrying about going to hell, no karma problems and you are invisible as Gyges and will not be caught. In addition the legal laws have changed and murder is solely up to the discretion of each and every person. Why is murder wrong. Your thoughts?
Background conversation to this topic from a usenet group for atheists (quotes are condensed)
V writes:
“I mentioned here a few times I was Catholic for 50 years as well as using tools from Buddhism, but currently I am just a freethinking agnostic with no official ties to any religion.”
Anonymous Atheist writes:
“My experience is that people are rarely objective about themselves. (Agnostics are atheists without backbones, from another responder) I think you’re fooling yourself. I don’t think you have any ties to any particular religion because you want to be worshipped like a god yourself. The other gods are competition. You want US to be spiritual and to regard you with religious awe.”
V writes:
“Many atheist are blocked from viewing religion as a true freethinker and are bigoted to anything associated with religion? In the bible it says “Test everything; hold fast to what is good; abstain from every form of evil,” (1 Thess. 5:21) Does this wisdom not apply to us all whether atheists, agnostic or believer?”
Anonymous Atheist writes:
“So who’s bigoted to all that comes from religion? That quote is meaningless to me, I view “evil” as a religious (Christian) term, and I’m an atheist. There is lots in the Bible that I agree with. “Thou shalt not kill” is a good rule of thumb. I don’t think you need the threat of God to think that commandment is a good idea, nor do I think the Bible authors can take credit for that idea, but I agree with it. You have almost no ability to put yourself in another’s shoes.”
V (make)