Why is Nietzsche significant for you?

You didn’t take any point. The point was thst what is relevant is what I meant, not how words that I use are defined in dictionaries.

It was pretty clear what I meant by the word “elite”. What was unclear to you, but you didn’t have enough courage to either attempt to clarify on your own or ask for clarification, is how is it possible for the elites – for those who rule – to be something other than powerful.

What you did is you made an argument that because elites are by definition powerful they cannot be anything other than powerful.

You wanted to prove me wrong. That’s what you wanted more than anything else. Which is why you rushed to make any kind of argument that gives you at least some hope that you are right and thst I am wrong.

Your argument is retarded, my friend.

Instead of trying to understand what it means to be on top of the social hierarchy, you simply went for dictionary definitions.

Power =/= being a leader

MA - Why did you allow “Nietzsche being the capstone of long forgotten hyperborean values” come to this form of discussion? Why are you trolling each other?

You are a moron, Venture/Kenny, and because you are a moron you need to shut the fuck up and listen.

Yes, shut the fuck up and listen, which means, no more questions from you and no more lecturing on your part. It’s outside of your limits.

Now, to answer your question, which should have been answered by now, and I believe that it has been answered to an extent, I am not the one responsible for the discussion taking this particular direction that we may designate by the word “ugly”.

Gib is.

I am doing what every responsible man would do, provided he had enough time of course, and that is dealing with the ugly rather than turning a blind eye to it.

It’s ugly to deal with it, but that’s what reality is, it’s ugly.

Reality isn’t merely sunshines and rainbows.

Do you understand, Kenny? I hope you do. You are a young man, 18 years of age if I am correct, so there is still some hope for you.

Gib is hopeless. He’s a dead end. He’s in his 30’s, maybe even in his 40’s. He is a father. Single father. He’s also an incurable drug addict. And most importantly, he’s a fag who is insecure about his masculinity.

What hope is there for him? None.

I can only hope that his own children won’t go down the same road.


Either you accept reality the way it is and deal with it, no matter how ugly it is, or you deny it in order to maintain the illusion of living in a happy pretend land where everything is perfect.

You really are asking me “hey Max, why don’t you play along and act in a manner, no matter how pretentious, that makes it look as if everything is perfect? do you not prefer a happy discussion over an unhappy one?”

Sorry kid, I don’t do that kind of shit.

Gib is a moron and moron must be dealt with in a manner that suits a moron.

You have a democratic sentiment. Not saying you are a self-identified democrat. Judging from that other thread you started, I’d say you are kinda against democracy. But you are, deep within your self, a democratic soul.

You apparently believe in “equal rights” and “freedom of speech”.

Gib certainly does.

You think that everyone should be treated the same way – equally – and God forbids anyone ever tries to put other people in their place.

You do really think that someone like Gib should have a right to speak.

I am younger than 18 and I do not uphold equality, rather equity.

Anyways, back to Nietzsche, are you trying to emulate master morality? (clearly delusional, erroneous and illusory)

Magnus is special needs. You can ignore him.

Well, Mr. Anderson, I may just bow out of this discussion at this point. The weekend is fast approach, and I’ve gotta focus on my debate with Biggy and my Rick & Morty thread. May not have time to play anymore. We’ll see.

Very entertaining =D>

This does beg the question… has Magnus lost his mind? considering this is a moderated site…

Yeah, right…

http://ilovephilosophy.com/viewtopic.php?p=2627560#p2627560 (especially the last four paragraphs; but see also the end of the second paragraph and passim.)

As far as I know (and I asked to be notified), the only mod action taken after I reported this post was the deletion of my report, 15 full days later…

This site is a clogged toilet.

This shit this site has allowed Turd to throw at Sauwelios, and to a lesser, but still absurd degree of disgrace, at other generous and popular posters, is indeed enough for ILP to qualify as an absolutely ugly place -
it just happens to be about the least shitty place in the web.

It would help immensely if Turd was sanitized somewhat. It does take an awful lot of a targeted hatespeech recepient to continue posting philosophy here.

Both Magnus and Turd are a bit behind, in terms of what they were taught, hygiene, clean up your soil, listen before you speak, stay on topic, your shit isnt money or toys, etc etc. ILP would be in a good position to clean up some of the mess their parents left.

You can’t sanitized a piece of shit. You have to flush it away.

Oh, come on, don’t be cruel. ILP is my favorite playground for intellectual thought. True, you don’t see a lot of it coming from others (just me :smiley:), but a good juice intelligent philosophical discussion can still be had here if you try.

I kind of like Turd and Magnus because I know that I can say whatever I want to them and by their own posts pretty much whatever I say is justified. Sometimes I need to bust a bubble, or tell someone that they’re an idiot, and those guys provide those opportunities.

I mean, they’re both indisputably mentally ill. That in and of itself is pretty entertaining.

When it comes to grown men crying because they have successfully completed the ninja warrior course on TV, people should be asking if all this climbing hills just to achieve climbing a hill is really worth it!

Id rather bit my nose off to spite my face, than watch another person on x-factor cry and says its all that has meaning in their life or whatever.

Yes, but isn’t all the hill climbing and crying at least a good charicature for us to watch? Perhaps I’m just too complacent…

BTW, regarding the OP, when I first read Nietzsche I really felt my word, perfect work. Yes, he was attempting to influence the people of his time but I think he knew even early on that cultural change like he wanted would take generations.

It is what modernity does to people. Turns people into the equivalent of preschoolers, third-graders. You see these babies on things like X-Factor talking about their meaningless lives, with carefully concocted background music to make their drivel seem interesting.

At least rugrats had Angelica. But modernity just bans Angelicas from influencing the babies at all.

You know, I fluked both blueberry and blackberry Coke at Subway the other day. Should have sequestered the camera footage under copyright law. :-k

In fact Nietzsche, did bring in the modern conscience, not that he intended to move it there, but he sadly illustrated where it was going. He is significant for me, because he signaled this shift into a new trend, into a new key, as Susan Lanier commented.

The new world of signs corresponds to the commensurate confusion of Everyman, where their childishness has been due to their own self prescribed manner of executing the shift, based on shifts of changed patterns of control and power. That their imbecility of not realizing that new forms and more deadly oligarchies and aristocracies will rise from the ashes, fueled by the most innate psychological force of man, namely envy, did never cross their mind. And the most important thing in this, unable to deal with their newly formed childish reliance on the faux subsential reliance on an informal, material based logic, they will descend into the hopeless need to heed signs, read from scripts of lasting revival and recurrence, dressed in unrecognizable but enduring costumes.

Errata: Suzan Langer, instead of Susan Lanier.