Why is rape wrong?

The question is just like the title.

This should be a interesting twisted conversation. :slight_smile:

Rape is a form of emotional and physical torture. Because humans are sentient beings, they are able to recognize pain as undesirable. Because we can recognize ourselves and others as humans, we know that rules that apply to us will also apply to others. Pain is undesirable to me, so it must be to others. Rape is meant to harm, so when a person experiences it or views it, they know that the victim is feeling pain, and anybody who does not want to cause others pain will recognize rape as bad.

What defines something as right or wrong generally follows the rule that something right is something overall beneficial, while something wrong is harmful to people or society. Murder will usually bring down society, because it removes one of its members. Something that is wrong is just something that is counter-productive, and usually something done for personal greedy purposes. Meant to make oneself feel better, even at the expense of others.

Because we, as humans, are able to tell whether something is right or wrong by the fact that it either helps or hurts overall, we can conclude that rape is wrong because it is an action that purposefully causes pain. (Not wrong as in incorrect, but wrong as in bad)

If you mean wrong as in incorrect, then I donā€™t know what to say.

Rape is taking away another personā€™s natural right to liberty and pursuit of happiness. Everyone is entitled to those natural rights, thus it is considered morally ā€œwrongā€ by most. Generally, it is a personal belief. You wouldnā€™t want someone to take away your liberty though, would you?

In some species, Rape and non-concentual, sexual-domination are common-practice. But the meaning of sexual actions for these species will differ from the meaning of sex in humanity. These species may not even have emotions, or, their emotions will be much less sensative than that of a human, aswel as their minds being simpler and more forgetful, thus less ā€œcorruptableā€/ā€œdefileableā€.

The main factor which renders rape ā€œwrongā€, is the same factor which renders the scraping of oneā€™s eyeballs as ā€œwrongā€. Certian areas of the existence are fragile and sensative, so, those areas should be handled with care and respect.

Morality seems to be the only reason why rape is considered wrong however such a subject could be said to be unsubstantiated where there really is no reason at all to say that rape is a act to be avoided.

Isnā€™t it just as wrong to deny one human being reproduction?

( Just a thought.) ( Classism, social status and morality often times does deny reproduction to certain individuals.)

Privatization also seems to be another thing that affects the denial of one to reproduce in the name of classism which could be just as wrong if one wanted to follow moralism down to the core.

( Noone ever talks about that though.)

My liberty is tooken away from me everyday in other means being deemed necessary,right and positive.

Why is this one act of taken another personā€™s liberty away through rape considered special to be deemed wrong where other forms of liberty that is stolen being deemed right?

( I see a contradiction.)

Humanity is just another animal and I see no reason why the rules for us should be any different.

Just because human beings have sapience and emotions doesnā€™t merit a title of wrong to the subject of rape.

They are not the same thing.

Rape equals the self preserving of oneā€™s genes through forced copulation where scraping oneā€™s eyes is self destruction in comparison.

Preserving ones genes through violence is not destructive but rather a form of evolutionism which animals clearly show on a daily basis.

Iā€™ll get to other peopleā€™s posts later on.

They are currently kicking me out of the library since it is closing.

How big are their boots?

Wrong for whom, from what perspective?
Is it universally wrong? What constitutes rape?.. :evilfun:

This topic is hardly worthy of a response.


Why is rape wrong? How about a common agreeance by almost everyone in society that a person should have the right of refusal in matters pertaining to sexual intercourse.

Why? Get raped and see what effect it has on you. I am sure that could shed some light. I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt to the victim and say that there is no positive gain that could possibly outweigh the damage rape has caused. I have seen the effects it can have first hand, ANY degree of empathy for a fellow human being should make it clear that rape is wrong based merely on merit.

Rape is wrong because the elitists who control the economic power structure of the world need to be able to control the masses by imposing a morality upon them to dictate what they can and canā€™t do. Nothing is wrong in and of itself. They just know that they need to generate revenue from fines and that they need to keep some percent of society in fear of jail in order to make them conform to what theyā€™re ā€œsupposedā€ to be. They just call in a bunch of actuaries and basically make up a system to get all this done. Rape happened to end up on the list of things that are considered ā€œwrongā€. I think itā€™s completely arbitrary.

[Yawn] the answer escapes me.

If it were COMPLETELY arbitrary, then that would mean there is NOTHING negative to come from it. How could rape just be picked as something wrong? Itā€™s obviously got a negative effect on the victim, which is observable. People can recognize pain, and they can reason. For example, a person witnessing a rape might rationalize:

ā€œBecause I feel pain, and scream if it is intense enough, I can assume that the person being raped is in a tremendous amount of pain judging by their screams. I know, from experience, that pain is undesired, and that because this victim is experiencing pain, he/she is also experiencing an undesired situation.ā€

Of course this wouldnā€™t all be thought consciously like that, but itā€™s how the process might work. People can recognize that somebody else is feeling something undesirable just by relating the situation to themselves. Rape is wrong because itā€™s causing undesired feelings of pain and misery in the victim, and it is definitely not JUST an idea planted by society. There was a reason that it became considered wrong.

Donā€™t let 'em fool ya. You have to be an utter short bus rider not to know the effects of rape. Trick question! I cry foul! Itā€™s in to be an uncouth punk.

Whereā€™s your avatar with that cigar hanging out of your mouth there, Scotty?

Soulhunger youā€™re wrong about what arbitrary means. There could be equally compelling evidence for the good and bad effects.

Silentsoliloquy, excellent name calling. Next time you run into a teenage girl who has an internet love affair and thrives on drama, you should call her a prostitot. Itā€™s like a cross between a prostitute and a tot (like a little kid). Sort of like a stripper or hoochie in training. I bet youā€™d get some good laughs from the other kids.

Its simple. Taking away someones rights. If you want to have sex that bad go pay for it

I figured by arbitrary, you meant chosen by a certain person who had the power to choose such a thing. But yeah, I guess I screwed up a little, but still, if it were completely arbitrary, and not just a general consensus, then the issue of people being able to decide what is ā€œwrongā€ for themselves was being ignored.

Around 200 or 300 years ago it was the right of the reigning Lord to have a female before she was wedded. Heck it might still be that way in some places.

The only reason Rape is wrong and illegal because the person doing the raping is violent towards the rapeee. Beating, threatening, terrifying and controling the rapeee is the only way for the raper to get what they want. Now if they were to be polite and ask for sex and the other said yes. Then that is fine.

I have been attacked in such a way. Procreation is not on the raperā€™s mind. Just a beastial satisfaction of lust is. In my case I was lucky to escape alive and realitively unharmed, thanks to being taught how to fight dirty and thanks to two passersby that distracted my attacker momentarily. Rape is not about procreation it is about subjugating another to satisfy your beastly lust. If you wish to try it Oh please do, I will rip your dick off and stuff it in your mouth. End of procreation worries.

Reading a political science textbook, or at least a copy of the Declaration of Independence (U.S.A.) would make things clear.