My position on taxes is that they should be used less as a source of income for government programs and more as a behavior modifier. For example, a tax on gasoline would cause people to consume less gasoline (it wouldnt, but thats the theory).
lots of lying republican douchebags say that they want to cut taxes in order to create jobs. if they give lots of tax breaks to wealthy oil companies that have plenty of money and companies that specifically ship jobs overseas, then that will allegedly cause more people to be hired in america, which is good for everyone.
while dubya may have said “by far, the vast majority of my tax cuts go to those at the bottom end of the spectrum” what he actually meant is that about 20% of his first tax cut goes to them, and most of it goes to wealthy corporations that donated to his campaign.
most importantly, he did NOT cut the payroll tax, which i believe is the stupidest government policy that ever existed besides the holocaust. the payroll tax only applies to people who make less than $90k a year, which is a little above median income, but its capped for no apparent reason other than favoring the wealthy.
the worst part about this tax and the most amazing thing given the fact that all tax cuts that go to businesses claim to be intended to create jobs, is that [b]its a tax ON JOBS[/b]. the more employees you hire, the more payroll taxes you are forced to pay. the way behavior is being directly modified by this tax is less people will be hired in order to avoid the tax expense. any other tax cut will be only indirectly related to hiring, as the freed up money can be spent on anything in addition to more employees. cutting the payroll tax will directly affect employment, massively.
WHY THE HELL does this thing exist!!! and how the hell can any politician claim to be attempting to create jobs while not immediately destroying this amazingly retarded tax???
the most confusing part of this tax is that i believe it was FDR that created it, or somebody who i dont totally hate and was not hell bent on destroying poor people like neoconservatives or medieval fuedal lords are.
my question is what reason could there possibly be for creating this horrible abomination and how can it possibly continue to exist once a politician claims that he wants to create jobs? who does this tax benefit?! why do taxes exist that specifically modify behavior in a way that is bad!?
shouldnt all taxes and subsidies be simple little nudges helping the free market behave in a way that avoids negative externalities? is it that hard to realize that the payroll tax is causing fewer employees to be hired? what is good about this tax?