Why NATO? Economically the US and the EU are deadly enemies!

Who said that the United States have to be “the biggest spender in the world for military spending”?

What term do you mean? The following sentence?

Do you mean this sentence?

East Germany is now West Poland and West Russia. Middle Germany is now called “East” Germany, and that is incorrect. And there is no peace contract. So the Germany as the German Reich (Deutsches Reich) still exists. All the huge reparations and other productive an monetary payments are paid by Germans because of the existence of the German Reich. And I remember well, when the “Iron Curtain” fell and many Polish and Russian people were willing to give the German territorries back to Germany. So where are those “formidable enemies, very reactionary in their holding and surprising developments as the unification of East and West Germany”. I have never met such “enemies”.

These “enemies” are produced by Westerners.

No, the West-East-Conflict (Cold War) was a “fairly recent development”. The geopolitical map of Europe before the West-East-Conflict was relatively similar to the geopolitical map of Europe after the West-East-Conflict, but the geopolitical map of Europe during the West-East-Conflict was neither similar to the geopolitical map of Europe before the West-East-Conflict nor similar to the geopolitical map of Europe after the West-East-Conflict. So the development you are talking about is not “fairly recent” as you said but fairly similar to an older development.