and here we have the radioactive Casey Jones…
and here we have the radioactive Casey Jones…
America seems to be the most nukised already. Maybe gwbush should set up a team named “the american nukebirds” or something, to help the rest of the world to go nuke on power. Damn! Isn’t that an impossibility!
Mmmm…radioactive chocolate…yum…it’ll make you pee bile…
for everyones information, there is an international project on the scale of that retarded international space station, that is seriously going to attempt to figure out fusion
there is a diagram of a fusion machine in popular science, i really saw it. and my completely full knowledge of physics (as tminion wil attest to ) says that it will actually work. it looks like it will
fyi, fusion = infinite energy for the foreseeable future
Once astrophysicists figure out how to apply fusion to space flight, we should have a mars landing within no time!
Sounds good… but what’s the point though? Another american show off?
To get off the planet before humanity extinguishes itself. Jeez, don’t you read any science fiction?
Fusion would make the hydrogen economy…electricity from fusion plants can electrolyze water, providing a cheaper source of H2 than our current one (chemical extraction from methane). Fuel cell technology would make cheap hydrogen usable. If scientists could figure out how to make deuterium and tritium using normal water and neutron bombardment, then we’d really be limited only by how much water there is on the planet, as FM said.
I was the first to mention fusion in this topic, I studied it as well as fision for a whole week for my Physics last year. Migrating onto Mars? I don’t read science fiction or you read too much of them? Peace.
No, you weren’t…and there’s no such thing as too much.
Yes I was, just for the sake of integrity, quote:
"So is it fair for me now to make a little summary about what’s being written…
Somebody mentioned the world “fission”. When we become easy with “fusion”, we have one more reason to go nuke.
And I never said there is such a thing as too much.
and if you look two posts up, you’ll see my post, because i was the one who mentioned both fission and fusion, that you were refering to in your post.
I’m seeing your signature…
I’m with crazy person, nuclear proliferation is the way to go…
think about it…
if harnessed, fusionable materials used in the prototype fusion reactors would yield fissionable materials to be used in modern fission reactors, creating an “unlimited” source of energy…
“unlimited”…in a sense, everyone knows about generation times…
time to finish the post…
first of all, the generation time between fusions/fissions might become an issue…
because even if the generation time is .099, then the fusion/fission process would die out before any energy would be produced efficiently
and if the generation time is 1.001, the fusion process would divide/fuse over 56x10 to the 75 power tons of uranium
an A-bomb is a bomb… somehow I got the feeling that you should write more, much more about this important topic…
sorry, the bell always rings while writing the posts…
the amount of uranium fissioned in the fractions of microseconds would divide 56x10 to the 75 power tons of uranium, far more than there is on earth, or even known to man in the ‘universe’
crazy person does have a point, the Chernobyl and Three Mile Island disasters/incedents were caused by a combination of simple human error and the negligence to upkeep the reactors or pumps…
safety features in reactors shut down the whole plant, even emergency power to eliminate any risk of meltdown or overheating…
even the reactors are controlled by about 15 supercomputers that monitor each other and are monitored by a staff dedicated to the jobs…
personally, i know crazy person, who…really is pretty crazy…oh gosh, i hope he didn’t hear that…and really is pursuing a career in nuclear/particle engineering…
but of course, the combination of radioactive isotopes has not been successfully controlled, yet…and probably will never happen until the current technology is increased by about 5 fold…
but still, fission is still far more efficient, and safer, than natural gas, coal, etc., it is just that ignorant people do not know how the reactors function, and do not know that the 30 story towers, are not towers that ‘leak harmful nuclear waste’ into the air…
though the current storage for nuclear waste is not exactly…how may i put it…safe…but this so called problem could be easily fixed by funding nuclear research, but since the majority of american voters are supporting nuclear nonproliferation, storage procedures will not change unless someone explains on the benefits of nuclear power…on the ‘History Channel’ or somethin’
I took for granted that y’all know about generation time…i’ll explain later the bell just rung…
okay, generation times…
generation times “T underscore g” explain how many of the three neutrons (alpha, beta, and gamma particles) emitted during fission strike another atom to create another fission, which of course in the science world, we like to call that a “chain reaction”
then the reaction can be either “sub-critical”, “critical” or “overly(hyper)-critical”, not sure about the last one, but who cares…
sub-critical being that the chain reaction cannot sustain itself to become in explosion (even though we’re not talking about that…), critical being able to sustain itself without intervention, and hypercritical, can be compared to fusion, otherwise known as ‘uncontrollable’ at the time…
I am back but not for good. Well mister abomb your summerization of nuclear technology has improved since I last talked with you as you seem to have done alot more reasearch time than i do.... Any way bellr ang goto go
an a bomb is a bomb:
Those posts above me are technical details that’s a bit too far away from the original subject of this thread, which is the pros and cons of going nuke.
I’m sure we all could read some book to find out about the science behind this, so let’s not do that rather pointlessly here.
Welcome back crazy person.
sorry, I started explaining stuff, and mentioned one topic of particle/nuclear physics and kept going like a chain reaction…ha ha ha…
but seriously, the term ‘going nuke’ is politically incorrect and would not be suitable concerning the proliferation of nuclear weapons and energy
1.) when people hear the word ‘nuke’ they become frightened at the thought of a Nuclear war
2.) nuclear power plants do not go critical, in a sense they do, but only for the purpose of fusing/dividing radioactive isotopes
and i can’t think of three, so i’ll just leave it at two…
I really don’t know why people are frightened by ‘nuke’…the destructive power was only used twice in warfare…and only about 600 more times in the Johnston Atoll…but that is besides the point, the government is trying to accept the START 3 (I think it is three, it may be four), which limits the amount of ready, prototype, or even unassembled nuclear weapons/warheads, to about 80 for each of the world superpowers
and come on, you can’t trust russians, germans, or chinese, they’re probably not going to follow american procedures anyway, so we might as well be prepared