why some people are better looking than others

hey im new here, just sayin wuts up…

the other day i was thinking about y some people are better looking than others.

perhaps it could be just preference, or it could the “make up” a girl puts on… OR could it be that the uglier people arent as far evolved as the good looking people or vica versa?? i believe in god, but i still believe that over periods of time people evolve to a certain extent… so could it be at all possible that people who are ugly arent as far evolved as good looking people (or the other way around)… make sense?? haha i dono, maybe im just an idiot

just to clarify my point, wen i say “people” i mean their family, and ancestors n shit like that… so basically is there family further evolved than other familys?

Genetics and hygene. Thats it.

??? So are ugly people sub species? Ugly and beautiful people have existed through out time, why would evolution play a role?

i think some people are more pretty because they have enormous facial scars! like some kind of freak supermarket accident. or maybe they’re murtant freaks or frankenstein people! zombies running amok! chickenheaded people falling from the skies! the end of the world is here!!!

you know…i should write the great american novel.
…and it’s all because of you! for the rest of my days(30) i’ll praise you for your supreme inspiration and glory! I must find you and worship you! O Beloved! O Savior! O Life giving man!

…okay so that went a little far…it’s 12:30 am…i’m tired…but i do like you and your post…unlike some people…coughpoints upwardcough soooooo…welcome to the site!

people get prettier or more attractive as closing time in the bar gets nearer…


Ugly people are ones the purty folks run to when they are being chased by the ugly on the inside people.

I could see how certain physical human characteristics might be universally appealing, but so much of what is considered beautiful varies from culture to culture, and person to person, evolution alone cannot account for it. Plus, we hairless apes supposedly have the ability to think. For many of the folks here (and elsewhere) one’s thinking ability is equal to if not superior to one’s physical appearance as a desirable trait. Don’t believe me? Watch how many of the females who visit here will gush over the brainy types at this board, and vice versa. Personally, there are several females here (assuming they are female) whom I find attractive by virtue of their ability with the English language, their skill at at delivering cogent, thought provoking arguments, in addition to whatever knowledge they offer and how they organize it to prove a certain point. In essence, their intellect.

I would bank a lot of money on the fact that there isn’t a face in the world that could get all the votes from the the people posting to this site as attractive. Sure, symmetric qualities generally get the good looking vote, but as someone else said, it varies culture to culture (and certainly person to person). The most attractive people I have met look like me. Not that I’m a Hilton, but, I think people are attracted to what’s familiar. There have been studies done that link familiarity with “crushes” or attractiveness. To add another dimension to this, going sub-skin deep…a familiar personality can rank up the “attractive” points as well.
This topic is too subjective. No one is even writing about the same thing…I’m talking about blondes, while someone else pictures ‘attractive’ as scarred…it’s almost reassuring.