Like I said, faggot, I was merely have a little artistic fun with this one, but please dismiss everything else I’ve said on account of it, as it shows how eager you are to uncover the real truth of these matters. Retard, address the point I made about Switzerland, and the point James S Saint made.
psyop, do you think you can win that easily?
the point i made about englands’ oppression of scotland may or may not have been factually accurate (i could care less about wallace’s sexuality and the rest of the story), admittedly i didn’t bother to check, like i said in the beginning, i was merely have fun with that one, had you not been in such a haste, you might have noticed that. now, if i am really a simple retard, it should be easy for you to further expose the remaining fallacies contained within this thread, do it, exploit my “stupidity” or are you a coward?
You cited a piece of Hollywood propaganda in support of your argument. Your argument is therefore bullshit. End of story.
What was your point about Switzerland? That you believe what Wikipedia tells you because you’re gullible and retarded and will grasp at anything, exploit any tragedy, to push your state-approved gun fetish on other people?
However, I will address what you’re saying about the UK:
This is simply untrue. We don’t have Guantanamo Bay, we don’t have FEMA camps, we don’t have armed police killing people all the time, we don’t have body scanners at airports, we don’t have people arrested for collecting rainwater, we don’t have drones flying over our cities spying on us, and there are a lot less CCTV cameras than there are people.
You’ve clearly never been to the UK, and clearly know nothing about it, and are just inventing a load of bullshit to try to sustain your utterly stupid arguments. You couldn’t care less about the truth - you just want everyone to own guns, and insult anyone who refuses to think that lots of stupid Americans owning guns is a good idea.
You know what, all these mass shooters should be heroised by the rest of the world for taking out a few of the dumbest, most horrible people on earth. They are doing the rest of the world, and future generations, a big favour. I hope you die in a mass shooting, it would make me very happy.
Your entire world is about no more than obfuscation and extortion, doubt and discomfort.
America is merely the battle ground, or as Carlson put, spiraling down the toilet bowl, as the Kahzars, Communists, England, and Catholics all compete for domination while the true America finally dies from the mortal wound inflected in 1913.
Gun control merely keeps the Sheeple out of the mix.
Unfortunately for you and your handlers, my counterargument stands, i stated in the begining - “I was having fun with that one”, but in your haste to carry out your agenda and take revenge for being decimated multiple times in my previous thread, you intentionally overlooked that fact and are now hoping everyone else will follow suit. This is ilp, not a university or college campass, a little artistic licence is required to keep things interesting, and even if that particular fact from that particular film isn’t true (it may very well be true), it serves to illustrate a broader point which your again, intentionally overlooking - from time immemorial, despots have sought to disarm their populations. Oh you think you’ve won? This is far from over.
You fucking nitwit, here you are making all kinds of unwarranted accusations and assumptions about my character, i learned about switzerland and its society five years ago from various sources, and everything the wikipedia article cites is 100% fact (and apparent to anyone with a basic knowledge of Europe and geopolitics), you just can’t admit this one because you have absolutely nothing to say in your defence. Switzerland proves guns don’t = violence.
oh and i love your little comment about wanting to mass murder millions of Americans and innocent children, you fucking British elitist/eugenicist cunt, now it’s plain for all to see, just exactly who’s side you’re on, new world order scum!
You have your own forms of fascunism which I’ll divulge on the morrow, it’s way past my bedtime.
…but it’s so cool and hip (because of psyops like you) to hate Americans in this inverted, topsy turvy day & age, you just might get away with it (but if he said kill all black people or jews, , heaven forbid, he’d be permanently banned from this site and possibly even the internet itself). Lenin and Stalin would be proud. That’s right, kill those gun nuts and innocent children for wanting to be free… you fucking psychopathic piece of shit. How can we trust anything that comes from your mouth, when your goal is basically to convince America and Americans to commit suidice ala the New World Order, which you detest so much, right?
Why don’t you come on down to the good ol’ US of A and try openly spreading your elitist, angelo-fascist tripe, specifically Newtown? ?
Oh and fuck your queen mum in her royal arse, btw.
*If this site has any integrity and legitimacy whatsoever, siatd v2, in light of what happened in Newtown Connecticut, should be banned for his disgraceful and appalling comments, ilp has banned people for far, far less.
So far, the only evidence you’ve cited for despots disarming populations has been a Hollywood film that is almost entirely fictional. Your argument is therefore bullshit. The conclusion (now moderated from ‘ALL despots seek to disarm their populations’ to ‘MANY despots seek to disarm their populations’) may or may not be true, but Braveheart doesn’t prove anything. That that was your go-to argument to try to demonstrate that conclusion shows that you don’t know what you are talking about, and that your perceptions are formed by the myth-factory of the mainstream. I’d like to revise my former opinion - I don’t think you’re a former Ron Paul supporter, I think you’re a currently-serving Ron Paul supporter. You are one of those people who still hasn’t realised that it was just Reaganism dressed up a radical politics.
No, Switzerland proves that guns don’t necessarily = violence, just as America proves that guns can very much = violence.
Yeah, right on brother! You stick it to that shill! You’re really taking the power back!
I’ve hated Americans long before it was cool and hip. I hate them because so many of them are like you - nasty simpletons.
But of course, I was ‘using artistic license’ in my proclamation above, apeing your behaviour in making an extreme, blanket assertion on the basis of a few tidbits of information. Of course mass killers aren’t heroes, but just as there is a faction within the US who always exploits mass shootings from the ‘Left’ saying that it’s a reason pass more gun control legislation there’s also a faction who always exploits mass shootings from the ‘Right’ saying this is why we should have more guns, why everyone should carry a gun all the time.
It’s an absurd, polarised discussion that you don’t even seem to realise you’re playing a part in. Your threads here have been massively exploitative of those people’s deaths, and not once have you actually presented any evidence substantiating your claim that the government is using this to try to take people’s guns away. Your exploitation of the shooting has been ENTIRELY pre-emptive, masquerading as the justifiable reaction against government tyranny when it is anything but.
Why don’t you go to Newton and shout at the bereaved relatives that they should have armed their children, in your words, ‘to the teeth’ in order to prevent this horrible event?
The Queen mum is dead you absolute cretin. And I’m about as anti-royalist as British people get. You have absolutely no idea who you’re dealing with here, it’s like watching a drunken foal try to find it’s way across a field in the dark. That’s what I mean about all these accusations of being a shill or a disinfo agent or whatever - no one here is going to be convinced because everyone knows that’s not what I am, that in fact that is the last thing I would ever be.
See how quickly this freedom-loving, gun-toting ‘Libertarian’ calls for the ban? See how easy it was for me to provoke that?
Because, aside from teasing this poor foolish man I do have an agenda here, namely to show how easily Libertarianism, as it is conceived in the US political system, can quickly turn into domestic militarisation and Fascism.
I think the pro-gun people have been duped and manipulated by the gun manufacturers, who pay for pro-gun candidates and stoke the paranoia of the general population, just in the interests of proffit. The more guns in circulation the better, because criminals can therefore get hold of them really easily, causing everyone else to want to buy more.
This whole thread is horseshit. Anyone brainless enough to think that a bunch of civilians armed with semi-auto AR15’s and AK’s is a threat to a military that rolls up in a Bradley pukes out a half dozen trained soldiers armed with M40’s under the cover fire of a 25MM cannon is living in an alternate universe - and is dead in this one. Sure, everyone ought to have a 45 semi-auto with the original 7 round clip for protecting home and hearth. But beyond that, it’s all bullshit. I need a 30 round clip to go to quickie mart? Maybe I should wear full body armor as well? You never know.
The idea of an armed populace fending off the full military arsenal is such crappola it’s beyond credulity. The notion that giving up our guns or having them taken away makes us more vulnerable to diabolical government is just plain laughable. We’ve always been vulnerable and all the assault weapons in the world changes nothing. Wearing camo doesn’t make you bulletproof facing a M4 50 cal machine gun. The rediculous “militias” playing with cheap ass SKS’s would be wiped out in minutes if not seconds by any trained squad of miltary force.
We’ve got a lot of issues when dealing with cultural violence, but having more assault weapons and hi-cap mags isn’t part of the answer. They’re part of the problem.
They have quality and we have quantity, in terms combat training and armament.
There’s only a couple hundred thousand of them, and potentially 200 000 000, or more realistically 20 000 000 million of us. Some members of the military will end up deserting them, and turning against them, if we just stand up bravely for our rights and freedoms, and get the word out to as many members of the military as possible, they’ll be swayed.
Also, keep in mind they don’t want to destroy us, they need us, just like the United States Corporation could easily eradicate all the Iraqis and Pashtuns if it wanted to, but it doesn’t want to risk the aftermath of such a scenario, as it would lead extreme international unrest, fear, paranoia and WW3.
The United States Corporation needs their societies, resources and infrastructures to feed off.
What’s the point of being king of the world, if the world is pile of dung?
Ultimately they need our compliance in all this to a large extent.
If we put up enough of a fight, they’ll probably go away temporarily, try somewhere else, as our government is ruled by a bunch of wealthy internationalists, bankers, corporatists and financeers, who have no allegiance or loyalty to anyone or anything but their families, and feed off societies like parasites.
Really their power is all smoke and mirrors, an illusion, we’re the ones buying into it, if we just stand up for our basic rights and freedoms, and try to elect a better government, they’re powerless to do anything about it.
It’s all about intimidation really, civil war is unlikely, we’re dealing with a bunch of cowards here, they’ll only pick a fight if they’re absolutely certain they can win, or pull out the moment something goes wrong.
They’re probably not going to try and enslave a well-armed, well-educated, civilly disobedient, organized and prepared populace, because it would mean the destruction of that which they seek to conquer, only if we act like sheep will they declare martial law and begin placing us in fema camps, etc.
That’s part of the answer. The rest is slowly eradicating the glorification of violence in our culture through some common sense policies at every level - including the nuclear family. It’s one thing to know that violence will always be possible, quite another to glorify it. We have to get out of our John Wayne paradigm and start teaching our children that conflict resolution doesn’t have to include a 9mm Glock with a 30 round clip. The NRA wasn’t wrong in pointing out all the venues that teach our children violence. Their answer was bullshit, but they weren’t wrong about many of the causes that lead to the easy solution of picking up a gun. Violence and guns are an easy way to solve a conflict but damages both the individual and the society at large. Living in fear of violence isn’t much of a life, and we can do better than that.
Old age cynicism says we won’t do anything meaningful toward the reduction of violence. We’ll create some well meaning answers that really don’t address the issues, but will look good in MSM. We’re the largest weapons dealer in the world, and getting our foot on the throat of the money people behind that is the biggest challenge.