I’ve noticed this with every (US) retail chain i checked when trying to order an “endangered” game(the guy at radio shack told me it’s no longer being produced).There was also a technical list of goods criteria they will not ship to canada not limited to but including(if i can remember right):video games,software,toys* etc. This list has a name ,but i cant remember it.
Why is this? All i can think of is it might be sanctions,but that is probly not it. It must be something else.
Not sure where to start looking ,should i suddenly be told to research it myself,or get enough mental functionality to do so.
Canadian customs is an absolute nightmare. Often, there are custom charges 10 times the value of the item shipped because of “handling” charges on both sides of the border. Since 9/11, getting packages from either side can take weeks as the packages go across the border quickly, and then sit for weeks waiting to be screened.
The only answer is Fed Ex, but you better want it bad enough to pay for it.