if they had HIV, then yes. it would seem logical. if you have ear trouble, go to an ear/nose/throat specialist. if you have a heart problem, a cardiologist. a specific disease, why not a specialist there too? they have cancer specialists.
why would i not help them? that’s what doctors do, help people get un-sick. i doubt the plumber is going to do much for him. heck, he might have even gotten HIV from the plumber fixing his pipes, ya know?
if i was a doctor, i could hardly help someone if they didn’t disclose why they were coming to me. from my experience, doctors do not like 20 questions. just to make sure you know what is wrong with you before they see you, they make you fill out forms asking you what’s wrong with you. but if you are going for a different reason, i think it would be responsible of you to tell the doctor of it because it could be transmitted. you would be endangering another’s health if you didn’t let the doctor know. or for that matter, if you didn’t let anyone know about it that could possibly contract it. just like you warn people that you have a cold when they want to shake your hand. it would be rude to start touching and rubbing on people when you have a cold.
anyone that is going to be effected by a person having HIV should be warned properly. if they do not do this, then they should be held liable for any damage they cause. since HIV is a possibly life-threatening, if you give someone HIV because of your own neglect, you should be tried as a murderer.
but besides those that are going to be effected by someone having HIV, it’s no one else’s business.
can HIV be transmitted through a typical day at school. not really. since schools have pretty strict policies against having sex on campus, i imagine that there are not very many other reasons the school would need to know.