When talented women comes along, and a man marries her, she often have to make a decision rather a career or a houshold wife. The husband expect her to be a houshold wife, and work closely at home. MAking her talents rot away. IS this the reason why, there are so little famous women out there?
Hi Dan. Interesting question. My sense is that many women – whether they be talented careerists or not – desire and prefer to be home and raising their children. In other words, they may fret about how much of their career has been sacrificed to stay home and nurture their children, but this is mostly sociological fluff.
Unfortunately, it has been my observation that far too many men (husbands) treat their wives as if they were a cow to be milked on a farm, to “produce” for the farm. Such husbands desire their wife’s income from her career/job more than they desire her motherhood skills to nurture the children. Mostly, this is because such husbands want to live in a lifestyle of luxury that they alone cannot attain, and as a result need the extra income from their wife’s career to attain it. These husbands are not “liberated” but simply selfish. Passion.
The history of the world has been a masculine idea, what kind of history would you believe if it was govern by femine ideas?
Selfish men that wants to extract income from their wife to have a more luxuarable life style is almost natural.
I read an article , that those who are happy, cheerful, debates and have discussion alot are quite the feminate side and soft and artistic, which is call the non-greek side, and considered to be a bad thing, while the other side; harsh, selfish, barbarious, tyranicall, masculine, the side of the greek is consider to be a good thing.
It depends what success mean to the society.if success mean earn more money,more power or higher social statue,or more famous,then,marriage is a crufuel handicab for a woman to get succeed in the society.
But I don’t think success means just these masculine prefering voluation.
Who has the right to say the woman should give up her job to stay at home? If she is as talented as you say then maybe she earns more money?..this would enable the man to stay home and be the homemaker.
Successful people rise above circumstance.
Who has the right to say that anyone should have to work in order to make a living?
Come on, let’s blow this discussion wide open rather than pissing about with tabloid cliches and one-dimensional appreciation…
Hi oldphil. Thank you for your comments. You said, †?..this would enable the man to stay home and be the homemaker.â€
My sense is that this arrangement tends to result in disaster. From what I’ve seen, I have noticed that the children of the Mr. Mom character tend to feel ashamed when he shows up at the school functions in the compnay of the other regular female moms, when Mrs. Mom herself is not around. Why? Obviously, one cannot say that the young children are prejudiced, especially against their own dad. The other housewives are polite but then they whisper behind Mr. Mom’s back. Why? Prejudiced? Even the radical feminist moms mock him.
Is it fair to say that the Mr. Mom character is universally disrespected at the gut level? If so, why? Is it just cultural social mores? My sense is that it is far deeper than that. The Mr. Mom character represents a total capitulation of the male to the radical feminist paradigm. And to do this purely for “economic reasons†(because his wife makes more than him) is disingenuous: laziness, lack of incentive, and even psychological submission are far more likely to be the reason that the Mr. Mom phenomena exists.
Honestly, I have never met a Mr. Mom yet who was not utterly miserable. The ones I’ve met look and act like they were de-balled. In time, they just get angry and/or bitter. Interestingly, the wives of many Mr. Moms that I’ve met are pariah type feminists or extreme liberal thinkers who demand from their husbands what they themselves are incapable or unwilling to do. Thank you again for your comments oldphil. passion
about stay home dads.
I saw a movie once, when the woman in the family was the successful one, and powerful as his husband. However, her compatible husband died. She remarried, to a weakling and an average person. This husband just uses her money and opens up antique and art shops, hardly any accomplishment. One day, the wife confronted her husband and said if you were a real man show me some results of your accomplishment. Resulting an insult to the husband manhood and driven by his dominant wife force to leave the house.
Your girlfiend who is pregnant before marriage.
Therefore, in order to make a finicial living, certain amount of labor is required.
What kind of successful people?