The comforting thoughts of a modern.
I’m a loser…but so are you if you were born back then.

Leonidas…wasn’t he a homo…like all the Greeks?
I think it is so.

It is true that we are all the benefactors of a sheltering modern world…and?
How does this alter the brutality of the truth?

Must we benefit from it, for it to be so?
For the degenerate, pleasure is the highest of all values …the only certainty.

More spamming, for tempt the retard’s minion…but I included some words…so I think I’m okay.
You never know with these morons.
Their minds are emotionally driven.

How is this possible if life has no choice, and choice does not offer an advantage?
Is life a telos?

Is the future predetermined, and life is but an impotent audience in a comedic/tragic play, unable to get up and leave, unable to intervene on the performance…forced to endure the spectacle?
Is this how, these morons, experience existence?

How sad.

If this is so, then life participates in what will be determined, otherwise why perceive at all?

What advantage would perceiving and willing offer if life were no more than a stone?

If all perceptions were equally illusory, and they were not interpretations of what was present, and in existence; if perceptions were not the product of their past effectiveness, and life had no agency…then why perceive at all?

Leonidas, unlikely. He had Spartan hotties at his disposal. Spartan soldiers, on the other hand. Hey, it is what it is. You’ve been on a war campaign for like two years and away from your wife. Maybe one night in the tent, the lantern light flickers off your homeboy Alkaios’s perfect abs as he’s taking his body armor off, and you feel strangely drawn to this submime masculine beauty. Next thing you know, it’s like a scene from Broke Back Mountain or Broke Back Spartan in this case.

It’s good to be king!

Yes I was talking about him, not you.

Meditation is tops :+1: :muscle: but only for people who can handle intense truths and physical energies, not to mention the mental focus and will.

He would CATapult you with all your mom’s catshit after he made you build one.

A basic truth…
Your inherited personality multiplies the probabilities of certain things occurring to you.
Low impulse control, for example, can lead to issues with the governing institutions, addictions, being constantly broke etc.

If you’re going to pick the Dionysian package, and you choose to live dangerously, without making any effort to control yourself, then don’t bitch about it when the bill comes for you to pay.
I mean, if you truly believe you have no choice, then do not accuse others of having a choice in making you pay for yours.

It looks bad.

You’re fuckin crazy I’d be one of the dudes on the front line in 300 but not one of the gay ones. I’d have my own tent.

When i gave the command, all the soldiers would form up around me in the phalanx. I’d have that much rank. Prolly have a whole column to myself. We’d most likely desert the war effort and our king and make our way to Thailand to check out the hotties and drink cocktails at those beachfront bars they have everywhere. We’d end up holed up in the jungle in a little village sonewhere with me ruling over it like Brando in Apocalypse now. I’d be half insane, addicted to heroin and dying of gonorrhea when the Spartan trackers finally found us.

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“If you’re going to pick the Dionysian package, and you choose to live dangerously, without making any effort to control yourself, then don’t bitch about it when the bill comes for you to pay.”

Fax. When the apollonian comes under the authority and direction of the dionysian - this is what we see in the psychopathic genius of a Lecter level - the evilness of one’s character has to finally become lawful. One can not pussyfoot around and give themselves carelessly to disorder, chance, and chaos. They eventually find themselves wanting, having, to will it, being something more than an arbitrary immoralist of the nihilist sort. Remember what N said. We must become more evil. THAT right there. That’s what’s going on here. The line of logic is: if life is hard, become hard. If evil, become evil. Buy the black t-shirt. Pierce your lip. Adopt an evil narrative. Show an interest in paranomal pseudoscience. This is all apollonian. What’s happening here is that it’s better to say “it was on purpose” than to describe your immoralism as an accident. One doesn’t want to be the passive reveipient of evil and its consequences but instead the master of it. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how nihilists become lawful evil by alignment. Some move on to become paychopaths, others make it only to the rank of emo or incel. The extent to which the apollonian flourishes in the service of dionysus depends on the intellect, not the will, of the psychopath. Dionysus already has his will.

I came here for Will, but it seems I was terribly misguided, as nothing here seems to be about him.

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