There have been several instances of people going back and editing all of their posts to read “.” - this ruins the thread for people who want to look back and follow the discussion. Edit privileges were recently restricted to (IIRC) 48 hours to help prevent this.
Usually it’s a ban, but there were no replies and nano-bug’s not the sort of poster to assume the worst of.
It’s certainly worth me updating the Philosophy forum rules, though.
There were six views of the thread, no responses before I deleted. Once deleted, you can see how many started to talk. (I suffer from posters-regret, a real illness.)
This must be a testament to short, to the pointed-ness. which I lack due to my admiration of the comma.
Anyway, for some time I thought tech could save my life forever. Then I realized I had completely ignored that a computational one and a zero were built in, on and off, duality style. I was not wrong, because before I thought tech could save me, I thought it would doom me. I had simply converted all my years of investigation of doom over to a more positive attitude, while still using the same evidence to back my new happy theory. But this time, returning to my doomed mind, I am relieved. More relieved than thinking I would be saved. I don’t know why. But I’m soaking it up.
All this would be digresssing, beside the point, had I not erased that point. (so they say)
Another edit: I must admit, that title does show a great deal of promise. Just look at it just hanging up there, majestically?