With God, Life is Inevitable

There is a fundamental difference in the paradigm between a believer and non-believer.

When one believes in God, it’s also clear that life on our planet, and more importantly human existence, is an inevitability.

However, when one is a non-believer, one realizes just how minute and infinitesimally small the chances are that human beings would ever come into existence.

In the first worldview, I think human existence loses some of its magic and wonder, because it was an inevitability to begin with, but perhaps that magic and wonder is replaced by the idea of God.

In the latter, it seems that the magic of belief in God is replaced by just how amazing and awe-inspiring it is that we ever came to exist in the first place.

Do you think there is any difference between how each worldview influences the thoughts, emotions, and outlook regarding our existence, or are each equally breathtaking in their own way?

Would one worldview be more conducive to treasuring life than another?

I see no inevitability that take the scenario god does exist that there was no choice for him but to make humans.

was life created by god or was it the greatest accident of all times?

this will remain forever a mystery, however I do think the latter option is less improbable

why would a god create us, or anything?

I guess the question is what is God? It seems like everyone automatically assumes that God is a monotheistic deity. I believe in “God” but not that God. Why also is it, that people always divide the subject into two different options without even considering the obvious third? Either life/the universe was created by God, or it was a miraculous accident. What if life and the universe always existed? To me that is the obvious answer. The laws of the universe say that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed. The universe is made up of matter and energy. So the universe could not have been created, nor will it ever be destroyed. Is infinity really that hard to grasp? Or is that just not miraculous enough? I think infinity is miraculous in and of itself.

See Anthropic Principle and call me in the morning.

I guess the classic definition of god as a monotheistic and personal deity is the only one that really appeals to most people. They simply cannot understand the other definitions of god that are ‘available’.

It’s not their fault.

after all, what is this ‘god’ you believe in? Is it more than a word, a concept? Have you ever thought about ‘it’?

Nobody has answered the questions in the opening post, but thanks for your responses anyway.

That’s because it’s a false dilemma.

I prefer the gnostics view.


It depends on your take of god and your opinion of life.

some religious people say oil was put in the ground for us to use so we should just use it up before the second comming of jesus. In this way their beliefs about god definitely affect how they see the world.

some religious people see life as a test in order to gain entry to the real life afterwards, whereas some see life as a gift from god and they treasure it as best they can.

some non believers think hat man kind is incredibly interesting and intriguing, and that our existence as evolved beings is entertainingly absurd.

Some other non believers say that life is absurd absurd… meaninglessly absurd. painful and awful.

it depends on your views. it depends on the angle from which you view things; your attitude.

beliefs and actions are appaulingly diverse.

sorry, Wonderer, but isn’t that dead obvious? :-k

i only work with what is given, Fabiano,

Were you given mindless platitudes?

I don’t think so.

Yes, I have thought it out quite thoroughly. I am a pantheist. As such, I believe that the entire universe is divine. I also believe the universe to be a conscious living organism. So when I say god I am talking about the universe. But I am not talking about a collection of rocks and things, I really mean an organism which we are all part of. I am divine, you are divine, the tree in my backyard is divine, the dirt on my floor is divine. If you recognize the universe to be a power which is greater then yourself, then you potentially could be a pantheist. Pantheists believe the universe IS the higher power, and we invoke the forces of the universe with our prayers, mantras, meditations, etc. We are conscious, and we are part of the universe’s consciousness.

This makes a lot more sense then monotheism logically. For instance, the purpose behind postulating a supreme being that is extraneous from the universe is to explain how exactly it was that the universe began/was created. This is making the presumption that everything has a beginning and an end. Fine, but then how did this extraneous entity begin? How was He created? If He could have always existed, then the universe could have always existed. Simple as that. Either there is infinity, or there is not. You can’t have it both ways. So once you have decided that there is indeed such thing as infinity, then it becomes unnecessary to postulate the extraneous creator entity. In fact, that entity only bogs down the concept and reduces its accuracy. Once you have decided that infinity does exist, then why break the laws of the universe to ultimately come to the same conclusion? Matter and energy cannot be created nor destroyed. So it is logical to conclude that they have always existed, and do not need any creator to magically pop them into existence. I take it a step beyond that however, and say also that no form can be created or destroyed either. So then there is nothing left. Everything must have always existed. There is no creation. The idea of creation is just a mistake of perception. That which appears to be “created” really has just changed into a different form which has not yet been recognized by the observer. There is no real creation involved.

But it is not just monotheism which is logically flawed, it is the big bang as well. I think that theory is the biggest folly of science yet as physicists have broken their own discovered natural laws by postulating it. It is absurd. The only theology that really makes any sense in the long run is pantheism. Pantheism can also explain polytheism as well since there are other consciousnesses in the universe which are higher then us and exist on different planes. This is the personification of the universe. The universe thinks, emotes, and even breathes just like any other conscious living organism. This breath is incredibly slow, and it accounts for the expansion that we are currently seeing. Once it has finished expanding, it will contract like it always does. No big bang, just big long windy breath in, and then a big long windy breath out. This is why meditation and breathing techniques work to promote natural wisdom or prana. By slowing our breath, we become more in tuned with the universe itself. It should also be noted that the slowest breathing animals live the longest i.e. tortoises and elephants.

What seems like an eternity to us is just a mere breath to our living organism the universe.


who are you to insult me? what have i done to you?

would you rather insult me than debate my words?

if you give me insults then that’s what i’ll work with.

i was adressing fabiano.

You see how thin your skin is? You are such a soft target. A quick bite to sober you up from your childish daydreams.

You are no match for me.

Forget it.

insulting someone is childish.

the day dream is that calling my post mindless platitudes is somehow you winning an argument, makigng me no match for you.

when you want to talk about my platitudes, maybe reveal them for the mindless ideas they are, then we will beign an argument…

until then, continue to insult, you fool noone.



