Woody Guthrie and Me Present....

An epic vision I had that I finally brought to life. I put it on yousendit because I’m pretty sure you’ll want to keep it after you download it, it is fifteen minutes long. If you don’t have a fast connection I suggest not downloading it unless you’re determined.



-Yours Truly (me), I did all original instrumentation up until 2:10.
-Jimi Hendrix experience approximately 2:10 + , accompanied by my edits

Vocals (In order)

-Woody Guthrie as done by Will Greer
-Martin Luther King
-Tom Cruise/Jack Nicholson
-John F. Kennedy
-Walter Cronkite
-Brad Pitt
-Malcom X
-John F. Kennedy (2nd)
-George Smith Patton as voiced by George C. Scott

The song: yousendit.com/transfer.php?a … B50FF74275