
Come woolgather:
listen to poor men rich in wisdom.
Come play spark and run joy!
Come simmer over the million muses of being alive!
Come fumigate the melacholy from under the floor boards!
Come let us go wild with exclamation marks!
Let us point strangers in the right direction!
Let us guess the states of America!
Let us preach a false and provocative anti-semitism
to show we still have a sense of humour!
Let’s talk about the Jews: The Jewish Lobby.
They own a lot of the world. Well, the rich ones…
They have big noses. Well, the ones with big noses…
Let us become just a little bit Autistic
and be done with vain formalities and
social nicieties - let us cut to the bone
and get along even in our dislike for
each other which comes and goes
as sun and storm.
Become autistic and then when we catch each eyes
it will be wholly a reward…again and again
acknowledging the presence of another.
Didgeridoo: What did the Didgeri do?
Why do Adults not parttake in Water Fights!?
Consumer Warning: Do not buy Advent Laptops!
They stop working after four weeks.
Good Will to all of Will Good!
the sun fades
ice cream melts
shoe laces snap
the infrastructure
loosens its belt
and yawns
and night falls alseep…