Word Association III (Part 1)

So you’re going with bliss?



The probability of a specific predictability, being extremely high.

Nice try Meno, nice try… but I saw that one coming, from your very first [recent] post in this thread. Go sharpen your mind/your game/your must-try-harder-but-can’t endeavours, elsewhere/anywhere but around me.




Stuck! ( triangulated as opposed to triangulate )

MagsJ: contextual mistake ( objective -subjective amalgam)

  • phenominally not necessarily triangulated in this here present context, but derivatively from an escothologically temporal, culturally widening context.

Hoping that difference between the hiss and its antidote that a blissful state can aspire to ,may not cancel but perhaps at least modify such conclusions as expressed would be a phenomenal case of mid-identity.




Please pick 1

To think
Two think
To thank
To tank
Two thank
To take
Take to
Take two

Or winner take all

Yes but.

There can be only one correct answer and the above is not one of them:

The correct answer is :

Deep end

So in fact there can not be winners or correct answers

Unless this association begins in the end


Crucibles of Leadership

A crucible is, by definition, a transformative experience through which an individual comes to a new or an altered sense of identity. It is perhaps not …”…

Harvard business review

How crucial is that? To author

Mill, err?

None to all inclusive

Again , the starter depth oh that paradoxically transformative, let’s call it miracle.

Believe or not differential is relevant, meaningful



I a

to sedefferentiate the glare of .

Apologies to autoroute of forum in case a derailment is suspect, in which case pls. Ignore the intervening variables between the covers,

for that , no known data-recovery is possible at present time.




Miners :laughing:
