
The Word of God.

It’s power is undeniable, not a single book has been so loved or so hated and people of all viewpoints, from fascists to Marxists, search it’s pages for words to justify their deeds.

Why is that?

Echo Chambers
Christianity spread within growing urban populations of desperate, hopeless, victims of natural selection, solidified as social status.
Its irrational message of hope came as a welcome relief from reason; its magical mysticism addictive to those who found no hope in reality; its esoteric promise a godsend against exoteric indifference.
Marxism built upon the same foundations.
In our time of globalization, and its feminizing effects, it is to be expected that an updated variation would emerge from the deconstructed framework of the past.
Jesus was no Christian.
As a half-breed he was the ideal revolutionary questioning the Amrahamic establishment, finding validation in Pagan psychological disposition.
Then again, we can’t call Marx a Communist either.
Theory falters when applied in real conditions.
Its mythologies swept away by worldly tornadoes. It remains “perfect” in the hearts and minds of those desperate to escape the coming storms.
Modernity is the newest upgrade of these ancient psychological manipulators - population control for this age.
Globalization has produces masses of lost, disenfranchised, emasculated pseudo males (men-children), well fed, well-dressed, educated and completely empty.
Abrahamism exploited physical hunger with a large helping of mental mush.
Marxism exploited loss of power with a dose of mind-numbing belonging.
In our post-Christian age, with god already pronounced dead, and with superfluity to contain any rebelliousness, what still remains are the masses of boys, unable to easily submit, like girls can, to power.
Products of mixed marriages, broken homes denying them father figures that could maintain a connection to a past they could draw confidence from, a sense of identity, they roam the urban landscapes as once Christian hid in the catacombs – on the surface present, but their souls hiding in the underworld, the sewer systems every city must have to rid itself of its refuse.
Globalization has to rid itself of the last resistance in the father figure. For the institution to completely dominate, no competing alternative could be tolerated.
Like Christianity, the father had to become a mere representation of the one and only masculine power.
Cosmopolitanism was a method of dealing with heterogeneous populations, where the male no longer shared blood with the leader.
Instead of a Hellenic openness to alien cultures, selectively assimilating components to integrate into itself, this Abrahamic cosmopolitanism was about diluting self within multiplicity – losing order in chaos so as to surrender to a shared compromise.
The male had to be reduced to nothing more than a surrogate female.
Jesus takes his disciples away from their families, converting them to sons of another father.
Marxism eradicates God, and natural identifiers, essentially detaching its followers from all past/nature preceding the emergence of the State.
With no shared blood a Christian “male” served as a representative of an idealized, abstracted maleness, and the good Communist "father’ would raise good workers for the State.
Here we are, now, in a post-Christian, post-Cold War era.
The old names will no longer work as triggers.
The intellectual conflicts have associated the words with specific emotions, images, feelings.
Christianity still lingers, and Marxism reinvents itself using new labels: humanism, liberalism, transhumanism etc.
When Christianity perishes, in time, what alternative spirituality will take its place?
What it had exploited in minds is not gone. It is, in fact, with the decline of Abrhamism that minds desperately seek a delusion to replace it.
Some think a new alchemy must integrate the ones who lead the way to its demise – a new Christianity, using new names, integrating, as Christianity attempted to do unsuccessfully, its anathema. A merging of oil and water, where the inability of combining the two can be hidden with food colouring.
This new Christianity will retain its soothing promises, its threat and comfort, but it will update itself to selectively incorporate the elements that brought its first attempt down.
Christianity upgraded for a modern man, because woman has no issues with accepting new masculine domination - they easily adapt to shifts in internal power.
This new Christianity will direct itself towards the increasing numbers of disenfranchised, lost males. Products of generations of nihilism, seeking identity, meaning, power, a sense of self among the ruins; seeking new father-figures, to go through ancient rites of passage with updates symbolism, and rituals.
Our Modern city catacombs are full of hidden men-children, pretending to be adult.
Lost souls self-medicating, finding relief in communion with others as lost as they are, and looking for a new alternative to cope with an indifferent world, to spiritually descend the social status ladder into new hierarchies.
With no blood to draw sustenance from, they transfuse themselves with abstractions.
With no genes to guide them, their mixed up pasts, seeks new combinations in ideological constructs, in theories with no references outside their shared subjectivity.
They are satisfied with the validation of psychosomatic effects, the placebo, all reinforce with anecdotal statements of shared convictions – echo chambers reflecting back what was emitted, as if it came from some mysterious external source.
Abrahamic God might have been pronounced dead, but as long as there remains the need, that human weakness, he will be resurrected continuously.
Sometimes as anthropomorphic Being, others times as pure idea, appearing as word - personal conviction, verbal confirmation delivered with passion, sufficing to produce the same effects.

Paradoxes arising from quantity drowning out quality, over time, by selling victimhood can only be hidden, not erased.
To hide it the modern strives to reduce all to the lowest-common-denominator, of unifying victims, so that the “chosen to suffer” and the “meek, who shall inherit the earth” may cloud their majority-based powers, and the obvious contradiction of their own values and principles, often ones that distinguish them within the throng.
If they succeed then they can claim ownership of the identity they accused of prejudiced, and used victim status to manipulate.
Pity exploited to instill guilt, then shamed into making amends for past dominance.
This is how power is built upon feebleness - or quantities overpower qualities.
Pride through humility or faked humility hiding producing pride - Nihilistic inversion.
Nihilism must lie in order to survive.
This is why words are so essential to it.
Using words to convince minds that what they see is not real - using words to confuse and justify the delusional.
Nihilism is a memetic parasite.
In the west it has appeared as Judaism, Christianity, Islam…in the east as Buddhism.
It’s mode of reproduction is language, or symbols.
It infects the host, alters its behavior, takes over the mind, causing behavior contrary to the host’s original nature - past.
With no genetic past, unlike the hosts it zombifies, it follows an inverse cycle - it begins as an idea(l), theory detached from world, and then strives to become genetic - inverting the process fro gene to meme, to meme to gene.
In racial contexts rather than being the product of genetic isolation, then producing ideologies founded on a common history, the memetic virus begins as an idea, reacting to the hosts presence, and then through the ideology enforces a behavioral isolation, while at the same time killing the host, or weakening its autoimmune system, by infecting it with ideologies that promote the opposite behaviors.
This is a suicidal process, yet to endure the nihilistic virus manufactures a benefit that exceeds any suffering, or costs to its earthly life.
Such a mental virus does suffer from the effects of the hosts’ effect. It must hide its essence from the host, so it takes on the symbols, the image, of the host’s ideal’s. In time it become convinced that it is, in fact, no different than the host, or that the host was never any different than after its infection.
This is what is called self-deceit.
Contradictions must be hidden, or dismissed as non-existent - the host must forget, and the virus must be convinced that it is, as it always was, part of the host.
This is not the case for more base viruses, like the ones in the video, but when dealing with memetic viruses we can assume a level of cognition that does not disturb the bases varieties automatic parasitic behavior.
What occurs in human mental viruses, like the ones we broadly call nihilistic, including within the category many different types of parasitical memes, is that the members of the virus themselves, having weakened the host to the point of total collapse begin realizing that their own influences, causing the host’s disease, is now also threatening the virus, which cannot survive outside the host precisely because it is Nihilistic, and denies a reality it will be returned to, if the host dies - the sheltering membrane of the host’s outer periphery dissolved, the parasite will be exposed to a world it may deny, but it cannot escape.
For the more fanatical members of the virus this is not an issue because they still have this alternate “reality” to comfort them, as a final reward for carrying out the behavior that distinguishes it - pride of a little parasite killing a formidable, powerful, host by insinuating itself internally, because it has no chance to challenge it openly.
Then there are those members of the host still numbed by their self-deceit - unaware of their own role in the host’s decay - trying to find the causes elsewhere, going so far as to accuse the host of purposefully dying because it has lost interest in living.
These creatures are the most dangerous and pathetic. They live and die, in their own hypocrisy, continuously pumping their viral dis-ease into the host, naming it invigorating names, associating it with the host’s ancestry, to maintain the lies that they are an inexorable part of the host’s essence - that they were there, from the beginning, as more than just existential anxiety, and the challenge of immature insecurity.
Being the product of feebleness, exploiting feebleness, they try to associate their belonging by referring their existence in the host’s infancy - not as what has been overcome but as a destiny.
But then there are those few self-aware parasites that awaken to their own essence and the role they play in the hosts’ demise, like Weininger, and Heisman, who choose to carry out their destiny, in accordance with their own principles, quickening the process of self-annulment.
In the east the virus incubated within the host, relieving the stresses population and resource pressure produced.
With no Hellenic sea-faring people to to invigorate it with a dose of Cosmopolitan openness, and with no past history of a tribe being rejected, forced to be an outcast that had to invert its status to find the will to endure, the memetic virus, in the east, took a different path, and not until after contact with the west did cross-infection begin to converge the two strains towards a secular form - humanism.


Crow wrote:

That is a lot to digest.

The theme of your response above, more or less runs parallel to what the Word predicts.

The decline of true spirituality, will create a religious decline. It is written that there are perilous times ahead, for men will be lovers of themselves. The religious liberty guaranteed by the separation between church and state will erode and the pressure to conform will prevail. The substitution of traditions, and human standards and the science for the authority of the Bible has left man vulnerable.

The new resurgence will call itself Christian having a form of godliness but denying its power.

Those who know the Word of God will not be deceived.

Amen sister…you are a testament to your kind, and found the right place to park your dementia.

Good luck with the Christian God thing.

Your topic is Words and I responded in kind, but obviously not to your liking.

For someone who is a professed pagan, you feel the need to squash like a bug a person with the opposite view.

I tolerate your stance, I don’t resort to insult, I have no need.

What interests me is why, every topic you post, whether it is about Beauty, VO, Who kicked the dog, whatever, you eventually introduce Judeo-christian bashing.

I reject evolution as an explanation of the origin of life as there is much more evidence against it.

Anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows abiogenesis has never been observed and all experiments to initiate it have failed.

You are living a fairytale.

Abrhamism is the start of Nihilism in the west…then it proceeded to reinvent itself as Marxism, Humanism, Liberalism, etc.
A memetic virus…a mental dis-ease, in the truest meaning of the word.

If you stayed in the churches there would be no problem, dear.
That you come out to stand as “philosophers” with such ill thought out views, and declare them, not prove them, as equal to others, is what I will stomp down and ridicule.

Like a fat chick going to a beauty pageant and demanding that she be considered a contestant, or a weakling going to an strong-man competition demanding he participate.
You can compete…but nobody ought to take it easy on you because you are a fool.
Survival of the fittest, in everything, including ideas.

I know Aborigines have the lowest measured IQ of all the human breeds.

You speak of fairy-tales?

Who told you pagans are tolerant of fools?
Do you understand what natural selection implies and what aristocracy means in its original definition?

This is not only a “cold war” it is a frigid one: pure noetic conflict, using words and ideals.
The virus is insidious, conniving, duplicitous, full of “good tidings” and promising smiles; he is polite and kindly, when he comes at you speaking of love and compassion and tolerance, asking you to “open up” and let him in.
This memetic virus has no genetic foundation.
You cannot combat him using those old ways of blood and bone.
It is a psychological dis-ease, infecting the souls of men, by introducing itself through their weaknesses - a memetic virus with no genetic substratum.

And when does man become vulnerable to viruses?
When he is closed-in by the cold spaces outside his abode.
When he is forced to breath-in the other’s flatulence, and his sickly cough.
This virus spread, from east, to west, only when frontiers vanished and man was contained within this earth.

Survival at all costs!!!”, screams the desperate miser, for all life is valuable, and that which survives, at all costs is, automatically, superior to what perishes, unable to live as a miser.

If not pleasure, then why not life, for the sake of living.
Degrade yourself, sacrifice your integrity, your pride, all to survive.

Have not bacteria out-survived other species, consuming their feces…and may out-live mankind?
Yes…therefore bacteria are superior to man, thinks the degenerate wanting to justify why he does not kill himself, or why he endures his own wretchedness.

Words are not toys, for little boys and girls to play with, not pleasuring machines, like dildos and vibrators to get-off on…words are tools.

Words are representations of mental abstractions.
As such they are the nervous system externalizing its internal simplifications/generalizations, emotions, sensations: noumena.

Their utility is to connect the noumenon with the phenomenon, or, in more complex abstractions, to the phenomena.

Herein lies the danger.
Since the noumenon is entirely in the mind, easily manipulated by the will, it can be inverted, combined in strange ways with other noetic constructs, producing combinations that refer to nothing outside the mind - such as satyrs or centaurs, or gods, or unicorns, or flying pigs.

When the mind is placed in safe, predictable, superfluous, forgiving environments, words can be played with, as a child plays with a gun…pretending it is a lazer gun, or a hammer, or whatever.

Words alone prove nothing

Are emotions ontic?

(SM, your new avatar makes me wish I was a mermaid. :smiley: )

Tool has a function and purpose. Dildo has a purpose for orgasm. Womb is a tool for birth and reproduction. Penis is a tool for the womb.

Why not skip the middle man and get right to cloning? People often have a problem of kids being nothing like them, genetic lineage lost to random chromosomal chance.

Words are tools, and tool can be used for good or ill. Tools can be harmless, like legos, or can be dangerous, like guns. Words become dangerous when they are used by the media, authority, or shitlibs mob.