World according to Spin

The world according to Spin

We can study a subject of interest from a narrow or broad point of view. The points of view affect considerably our ability to comprehend reality.

Our comprehension of a subject matter depends to a large extent upon our original assumptions. Our prism of observation is determined by our assumptions. To view reality is to establish a framework for comprehension. The frame work determines the horizon of our comprehension. Our view cannot extend beyond our initial assumptions and we cannot breach that frame work no more than we can jump out of our skins.

The assumptions we frame our subject with can be ontological, epistemological, and social. In matters of a social nature our social assumptions are most important. We live in a social structure of positions. We are not really a collection of individuals but we are sets of positions. A social position is defined by a distinct set of patterns in relation with other patterns and relationship. An engineer is associated with other technical people generally within a large corporate structure. These associations determine many aspects of that personas existence. The same applies to the nurse, the merchant or the factory laborer. These are not chaotic willy-nilly relationships but are highly structured and are the same for almost all individuals in like working conditions.

Because we all inhabit these general forms of structured relationships our forms of thought and our every day experiences fit within that association. Our categories of perception and thought are similar.

Since a narrow point of view is necessarily limited by assumptions, those within that structure are unaware of the limitations. There is an inherent tendency that, despite the narrowness of view, those within the structure claim universality and claim its view as absolute.

Spin-World is my tag for these sets of positions, which are forms of structured relationships. Some people call these ideologies; I like to call them Spin-Worlds because “the man on the street” shies away from talk about ideologies. Spin doctors are the apologists for each of these spin-worlds. We have spin doctors for each spin-world; spin-worlds such as Communism, Capitalism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Democrats, Republicans, Americans, etc. all have their apologists to praise their spin-world and to kick their opposing spin-world. Many of the members of each of these spin-worlds become mini-apologists.

A spin-world has a dual character. It has an empirical existence in the form of its group; it has a normative existence as its group relates to the rest of society. The inside members see ‘facts’ and the outside world sees ‘norms’ emitting from the group’s apologists. The group embraces mediating concepts of human nature and condition. From these perceived human nature and conditions the spin-world deduces appropriate moral recommendations.

Examples might be pro-choice versus pro-life, or cut-and-run versus stay-the-course-to-victory, or state owned property versus private owned property, also known as socialism versus capitalism, one might add Christianity versus Islam.

The members of one spin-world is biased toward that world and biased against a competing spin-world. Inhabitants of spin-worlds are impatient with diversity; they consider their ‘facts’ to be universal and natural while the competitor’s ‘errors’ are a mess. Members of a spin-world are critical of other spin-worlds but are seldom critical of their own world.

Each individual who continually lives in a particular spin-world becomes unable to perceive another world. Until members of each spin-world becomes critical of their respective worlds and thus transcend their limited view, they cannot become critical of their concept of reality and thus transcend the mess that society is in.

A critical self-consciousness is necessary if we have any chance of changing our society to better fit our nature.

Are you a critically self-conscious citizen who is prepared to help society to restructure itself?

Chuck, you’re pretty cool man. You know how I know? Because you are the only member who is forever pumping out great threads that get the least amount of replies, if any at all…and you keep on trying.

I admire that.

Will somebody please respond to Chuck?

You people act like he doesn’t even exist. Stop ignoring him and discuss!

I post for the purpose of drawing people’s attention to important ideas. I try to post about ideas that I think few of my readers are familiar with; so I am not surprised that few respond.

My hope is that some of the readers will become sufficiently interested in the idea that they will go to the books and learn more about it. I think that it is important for our society to raise the general level of intellectual sophistication because I think that our society badly needs leaders with an expanded intellectual curiosity.

Hi Chuck.

You know I don’t need detrop to tell me to respond to your posts. I will even answer your question.


Furthermore, to tell you again in another way, if you allowed “spin” to mean “reactions to the void” generally and “trying to fill the void” specifically, you would understand “Life:a reaction to the void”.


I think that your term “the void” is the same as the term used by Ernest Becker “fear of death” or “anxiety”. I think that your “reactions to the void as weaving fabrics of existence with ‘threads’ of activity” are similar to the terms ‘meaning’ and ‘hero’ ‘and ‘self-esteem’ that Becker uses. I think that you and Becker part company when you seem to indicate that the force motivating these reactions are ‘instinct’ whereas Becker identifies these forces as ‘society’. Becker puts emphasis on the theological in somewhat the same way that you do.

I think that if you were to study Becker you would find him to be an ally, and what is more important, you find him, like I have, to be a very learned ally who can focus light on all the things you and are thinking about.

When I speak about spin-worlds I am speaking about ideology. I use this different word because I find that if I place the word ideology before the “man on the street” s/he shies away and will not examine what I write.

Thanks for trying Chuck. Like Becker, I studied life. I think he would encourage me to shine my ‘light’.


No offense meant. Becker received a Pulitzer Prize for one of his books.

No offence taken Chuck. I just started publishing on my web site 19 months ago and on ILP 10 months ago. The response here has been encouraging but my “Pulitzer prize” will be hits to my site.


Good luck!!

Instead of just wishing me luck Chuck, why don’t you offer to help. Prior to the most enjoyable last 6 years of “hanging out” with my mother full time, I earned my living as a carpenter. In the latter years of that life I created one-of-a-kind retail store fixtures but over the years I’ve built some houses. In the process I worked with a few engineers. You all think the same way so I figure if I can make my writing understandable for you, I can make it understandable for anyone. :smiley:

In the next day or two I will be enabling a major addition to my website. After that I will be copying my essay into the journal already set up for it on my site. I’ll keep you posted. Perhaps you will be interested in helping me show you a view that goes beyond Becker’s.


and the World does not only need Leaders with expanded knowledege , for knowledge does not preclude Reason or logic. for you can have a person that has knowledge but it is beyond their capacity to see beyond the just the knowledge gained. so you need a Leader that has the ability of sound Reasoning. and can communicate this Reasoning in a clear and concise way. so that all classes of society can understand the logic of your stance. you also need Leaders that can be questioned , without fear of being questioned. straight out.

as well a Leader , a true Leader , also has a Vision , a direction for his people to strive for , which is GOOD , for all his people , no matter the class of society they are in.

 and finally you also need Leader that have the capacity to not let power, corrupt them , absolutely. now THAT is a Leader.