World cirisis in the making

I guess this is the best place to discuss the problem of ending world poverty. The following link is the story of an island had one resource, phosphate. Because of this resource and a very small population it had high income rate. Since then, the mine as been exhausted. Investments made when the country had wealth, to carry its economy beyond the exhaustion of its mine, didn’t succeed. Now this nation is desparately poor and there is little hope of an economic recovery.

There are many one resource countries. The oil countries are almost all, one resource countires. Read the link and then write what you think will happen to the oil rich countries.

Shit happens.

Sadly this is happening all over the world. Big Business targets an oil-filled area and regardless of what the economical system or the state of condition the environment or natives are in. Directly target the politicians and begin filling their pockets with money for permission to drill for oil. While the politicians and oil companies get rich. The Nigerians or any other people, are left in a worsened state. Resourceless and left with the aftermath of barren lands filled with reminants of blackened oil. Their land is robbed right from under them. And people wonder why militia groups are formed and start kidnapping oil workers. What would you do if you had a fortune in the back of your yard. And people show up one day and begin moving it. Without asking you or consulting you at all. The people are left in the same state of poverty, when their are billions of dollars that can be used to help them. Instead it is going to companies who already have more than enough to survive.