does anyone in here believe in a world wide (noahic) flood?
Eastern Washington in the USA was repeatedly flooded by mega floods from Lake Missoula 13,000 to 17,000 years ago. They figure that there was enough time between these mega floods for Mt. St. helens to erupt and deposit an ash layer between the sedimentary layers caused by the floods.
My point is, that if the whole of the earth was flooded alot more of the landscape would look like Eastern Washington.
here’s one of the formations that would be throughout the world:
There’s aerial photographs of miles and miles of landscape that look like large scale river beds where the desert has formed “drifts” due to water. A biblical flood would cause these kinds of features all around the world.
I think that one has to consider what was the “whole world” at the time of the flooding as the ice sheets melted. To an ancient man whose knowledge of the world probably didn’t extend more than a few hundred miles, a catstrophic release of flood waters like the Missoula releases would certainly seem like the “whole world”. These release could just have easily occurred in the Caspian sea area, where the flooded world myths originated.
certainly I realize that, and there are theories that there was a gigantic flood in mesopotamia, that washed “gilgamesh” down stream in his “boat”.
nova aired a special awhile back that they thought the myth originated from the black sea area, which used to be a fertile valley… after the ice age ended and the mediteranean sea rised though, it caused the black sea and the inhabitants on the shores of the ancient lake to be drowned. They found an ancient boat, and several houses along the old shore.
mega floods may be a common thing. and if you live there, that is the whole world to you isn’t it?
Here is a tip folks. God could flood the world today and leave no trace of it happening tommorrow. Science cannot prove it one way or the other. It can only speculate.
The only way we will know for sure is to die and see what happens next!
There’s a lot of evidence for global flooding or globally higher sea levels than we have today. And almost certainly we’ll have a similar phenomenon in the future. I’ve read articles about the Black Sea flood and it sounds pretty plausible.
I further believe the Bible is based in great part on older myths and things that really happened. It seems logical that “racial memories” of ancient floods would be woven into biblical myths, inspiring stories such as Noan’s.
we wouldn’t need globally higher sea levels for the Black Sea, flood situation to happen but globally lower. And certainly there is alot of evidence that sea levels were dramatically lower during the ice ages.
Race memory seems really far fetched to me, do you remember the global flood?
How about the “little ice age”?
I think tentative hit it on the nose, the “world”, even in our eyes today is the immediate world around us. For instance, if Mt. Rainer exploded, my world would dramatically change for the worse.
But, why would God mess with humanity like that? Do you really want to believe that the god you believe in would pull such petty tricks as that, just to make it harder to have faith in him/her/it?
Do you think that ancient people had the same difficulties of faith? There were godless for sure, as we know the greeks were atheists, and probably going back even further than that, there were godless people.
But the point is, it was easier to believe in something greater than yourself then, than it is today.
I can’t Explain what ever reason God has for doing what He does. I wouldnt mind knowing myself. I would like it to be easier to prove God to people myself. I have found proof yes, but I cant prove it to anyone else though. God is there. But I can’t force God to reveal Himself to anyone else not even to another believer. People have to seek God for themself, just as God wants it.
You may think that Gods mehods are harsh but stop and think. When we are down here being tested to qualify for everlasting life, would you think this should be easy?
It wont be heaven with liars, thieves, murderers, and othe nefarious evil people with us.
Some people say “What kind of caring God condemns His people?”
I say that it is a Just God that does so. Because how caring can He really be if He allows those who harm others to get a free pass to harm again? How carring is He to those who follow His commandments and keep them if He would not avenge the wrongs done to those who have faith in Him? God is my sword and my shield. He cannot be that if he will just give every wretched being a pass. In fact why should I even bother to behave myself?
Under that logic what kind of carring society locks up killers, rapist, pedophiles, and theives? Adopt a killer today!