Worst Australian bushfires ever

Something like 100 people confirmed dead already. Pretty fucked up right there.

Is Australia going through a drought right now?


I can sympathize, we haven’t had any significant percipitation in months either.

Some freaky stories from those involved:

Victoria Firestorm man walks back from the dead

Head-on crash helps save life of man in burning car in Victoria bushfires

I also heard of some people fleeing the fire in a car, who stopped to pick up some others and then passed a guy on the road who’s car had broken down, but their car was completely packed with no room for the him so they kept driving and got to safety. Apparently the guy burned to death.

It seems they could have let that poor fellow ride on the hood or something. Very sad.

Regardless of how justified it was, I reckon the people who made the decision to leave him behind will be haunted by it for a very long time.

There’s a telethon on TV raising money and the names of those who donate are scrolling accross the bottom of the screen. Interestingly, despite the large number migrants here from places other than Europe, I’ve hardly seen any non-European names…

I haven’t seen any reports on this fire. Has it been determined if arson may have played a part in this?

I think they might have some evidence suggesting that at least some of them were. I don’t think they’ve caught anyone yet though.

They’ve just caught a guy who alledgedly started fires killing at least 30 people. Apparently he had child porn as well. They’re supressing his identity to protect his family.

My condolences go out to those that have suffered from this horrible tragedy. May all that have passed on due to this RIP And I hope they slowly use a blow torch on the Assholes that started this. Nature starting crap like this is one thing but, humans doing this is a whole different kettle of fish.