There is this fellow I’ve been reading about, and he is not the most enlightened individual I ever heard about. I wonder if you would choose to live next door to this guy?
He is insanely jealous and reportedly is often given to fits of violent rage when he detects disloyalty or betrayal. He has a reported record of killing people who disagree with him. Reportedly, he often intentionally sets up diabolical traps for people by devising situations where people will be tempted to break his rules or to incite his jealousy. And when they do, he then reportedly inflicts these god-awful punishments upon them, including killing them or just subjecting them to hellish pain and suffering. He has been know to turn over one of his loyal followers to his worst enemy to be tortured, in order to see if they would defect under duress. Even his closest chosen associates refer to him as wrathful and vegenceful. Even those who claim to love him, still fear him and for good cause. Stories are told about how he has manipulated people by using his influence to blind their eyes to the truth about something or to harden their attitudes against doing the right thing. Time after time, he has allowed people to suffer pain when he allegedly had the ability to cure their ailments and remove their suffering. Time after time, he has allowed people to starve to death when he alledgedly had the resources to provide food. There are even stories of him using his power to inflict pain and suffering upon whole countries, raining death and destruction upon the citizenry, just because their dictatorial monarch would not comply with his demands. He has reportedly butchered whole cities who refused to follow his rules, and he has reportedly caused floods to kill millions of innocent men, women and children.
With a record of lacking compassion and of committing acts of terrorism and violence like this, you would think that this guy wuold be hated universally. However, incredible as it sounds, just the opposite. He is worshipped. While he has never actually been convicted of these violent mass murders, his followers do not deny he did these things and, in fact, many of them absolutely insist upon the truth of these stories. In fairness some of his followers say that these are just stories and are not intended to be taken literally, but they do not claim that the people who reported these events were guilty of making up lies about him.
And his worshippers have done incredible acts of violence, torture, murder and even fought entire wars, claiming that they were doing these things as his agents. Small wonder I suppose, given his alleged example. They have opposed science and have tried to suppress learning and progress in his name, They have even forced teachers, such as Galileo, to recant truths as lies. Women have been often denied access to education and economic opportunity because of him. There are numerous documented cases of his followers putting people to death because those people did not share their beliefs. Even among his worshippers, there is violence and terrorism. Their history is that they cannot even get along among themselves, let alone live peacefully with people who don’t share their beleifs. His lack of enlightenment has been continued by his followers.
Anyway, I wonder if this guy was living next door to you, if you would let your kids play in his yard? Would you circulate a petition to get action from the police? Would you try to get laws passed making his violence and the violence of his followers illegal?
Recently, in the last few hundred years, just a brief moment in time really, there has been a young movement afoot to insulate government and seperate government from the influence of this fellow and his worshippers. It is a very hot political topic, even today. Many people will still not vote for anyone who rejects this guy. And many politicians still use this guy’s influence to get elected. No wonder we live in such a violent world when guys like this have such a wide following and continue to have such widespread influence on our political and social life.
Who is this guy? You can read about him in the books of the Old Testament. Those are the same books that are embraced by Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike.