Would you rather die knowing or die unknowing?

You can say it is an act of enuthansia.

But aiming at the death bed, and found out you have HIV, AIDS or mucus making your organs turn to liguid, would you die knowing you were sick or something?

Would you rather die not knowing?

What about a family matter? would you die not knowing that you had another son?

Someone once said that your whole life can be changed in three days.

I’d rather know.

Basically you’re asking us if we want to be ignorant or not. The answer is simple. No.

Anyone who is on this site, questions, wonders, and/or seeks knowledge. We simply want to be informed, to be aware, to seek knowledge, and/or answers, otherwise, what are you doing here?

Will knowing make a difference? I chose to die. If this is a mercy killing, I am suffering from something. Tell me, I’m dead anyway. Is knowing I have a son out there going to create a miraculous recovery from my suffering? Is knowing I have HIV/AIDS going to kill me any quicker? Having a son that I was unaware of would not cause me any grief, as how am I to feel regret for something I was simply unware of? It may put a smile on my dying face knowing there is someone unexpected out there that is apart of me though.

Who’s to really say how any of us would react unless put in the situation. Everything evolves.

Die knowing.

i would rather die not knowing.

IF you were old, on your death bed, you know your time is coming, you do not need the doctors telling you, you are dieing because of old age.


If you want to know all the time, where all your actions?

All say and no action.

Die knowing.

Hmmm…do I know I’m dying? If I’m on my deathbed how could I not know I was sick?

You need someone to tell you, whether a doctor lookalike, or a priest lookalike. :blush:

I expect to die every day of my life. It keeps things interesting. If I live long enough, or die in a sorry enough way to be on a deathbed…I’d probably commit suicide before anyone has the chance to declare it my deathbed.

A body that can not move, should not move.

I think he should move.

It is impossible to die and not know it.

well…if he’s capable of moving, then he’s obviously not the person who can not move, silly.

What I mean are those who are forced to move by others…the ones kept alive, or who can’t hold their own anymore.

If it is alive and it is force to move, and you are asking should he move?
Then here is the answer, without force he will be move, unless his mind shuts down, and then he was carried away, and then his mind turn back on not realize he has not move.

So simply, I don’t know what are you saying. IF you can understand what I am saying that would be extrodinary

hmm…so my attempt to phrase things in the simplest form backfired, it seems…cause its kind of a complicated point. So much for following Ringuet’s principle of complex simplicity.

What I mean is this: Those who need to rely on other people to keep going: The invalids, the alheimers patients who’ve reached that stage of not being able to know themselves, let alone dictate their own motion in anything more than a basic measure — these people shouldn’t be moving.

Part of nature, cruel as it sounds, is survival of the fitest. On an evolutionary standpoint, anyone left sitting there at age 90, only alive because of meds or machines, is just using up resources with little to no chance to repay the expendature.

On a more ‘emotional’ level…I’d much rather die when I’m mortally weakened, be it by sickness, accident, or plain old age, rather than being kept on for years after that, to have my image disgraced by that cheep shell of the former me.

thats what I mean when I say that those that can not move should not move:

If a person can not hold their own in the most basic of ways, can not properly express themselves, and can not contribute to their own genetic survival, then they should not be taking up space.

then why don’t you execute them?

Over a decade ago in Arizona I and our crew were installing a lawn sprinkler system. The temperature was 115 degrees. We had the truck radio on for music. The DJ kept repeating the temperature over and over and over again and kept declaring in so many different ways how unbearbly hot it was. Hearing this time and time again, created a morale issue for us. It sapped energy levels and made working harder. We knew it was hot, but damn when you are bombarded with it by someone who is not suffering as you are, it is a demoralizing situation.

When you are going to die you need all the strength and pleasure you can get. You sure don’t need to be told anything that will make you feel more rotten and weaker. So don’t tell me. If you care for me create happiness around me, not misery. Lie till you are blue in the face. Let me die happy not demoralized.

Is there really a choice here?

We will go as ignorant as we came.

so kids who have HIV should not be told they have HIV ?

HIV is not a certain death sentence anymore. If caught early enough you can live decades. If you are on your deathbed and dying of HIV I am pretty sure you would know that you have HIV even if you are a kid.

And if the kid is going to die from not catching it in time. Why tell the kid? That would be relieving yourself from a percieved moral obligation and thus only helping yourself. Does it help the kid morally or Morale wise , no, you will just make the kid feel worse. Jeez, its a kid, the kid should have happiness not misery. Don’t you think dying is bad enough to deal with? If the kid wants to know and asks well, tell the kid then and only then. Otherwise lie through your teeth and make the kid as happy as possible.

Because, by killing, I place myself as decider. Although its my opinion that people shouldn’t be allowed to live past their point of fitness, there’s only one person who’s life I have a right to end, when I feel it time: My own.

Aside from that, its a matter of morals and ideals: Mine are based in logic, and in survival principles, because thats how I was brought up. However…if a person can be cunning or sly enough to take advantage of the weaknesses of their family, well, thats the family’s fault.