Would you rather masturbate or vote?
- Vote
- Masturbate
By popular request…
Would you rather masturbate or vote?
Would you rather masturbate or vote?
By popular request…
Would you rather masturbate or vote?
puts your hanging chad in a slightly different perspective…
Very interesting question, and lol, Imp.
It suggests a new way to spoil one’s paper
Two excellent puns. Congrats to the pair of you.
Assume that by ‘masturbation’ you mean merely self-induced sexual pleasure rather than the more Biblical ‘any form of sexual conduct beyond a loving married couple having sex for procreation’, I’d rather vote. Actually, fuck it, I’d rather masturbate. Voting once every four years for which bunch of babykissing management consultants I’ll have to listen to for the following four years while they fuck things up even more doesn’t really matter to me. Nor does masturbation, but the benefits of that are more apparent.
Aren’t both just forms of deluding oneself? My opinion matters = my sexual mojo is so powerful that even I can’t turn myself down.