Writing in bathroom stalls

The Top Five Most Likely Things To See In A Bathroom Stall:

  1. A Swastika: You can go into almost any bathroom stall in the world and find this symbol annonymously carved or written on the wall. ((It is usually, and likely only in America, accompanied with the letters KKK somewhere else.)) Also may include a reference to Nazis.

  2. Someone’s Initials: There are many reasons someone may write their full name initials on a wall. Usually the key reason has something to do with ontological anarchism.

  3. Any Religious Symbol: Same deal as the swastika, only sometimes accompanied by a quote from a religious text. Usually has to do with some kind of propagada to embody the self-righteousness of whatever religon is being represented.

  4. Name And Number: Someone wants you to call them? Chances are, it’s REALLY not a good idea to dial any number if it’s accompanied with just a name and possibly also a tagline such as, “for a good time call…,” or “bj,” and any such derivitations of or having to do with a blowjob, sex, and anal sex.

  5. Random Comments: Anything from “so-and-so sucks” to elaborate explainations of psychological or spiritual importance.

most likely thing to find on any bathroom stalls are piss stains.

“annus horribilis” (spotted on Her Majesty’s private throne room walls)

Hmm… not if the building has cleaners

“the burden of proof is on the atheists”

“do NOT eat the blue mints”


I reckon Brett Easton Ellis might well have seen that one