WTF! a list of wealthiest public servants.

A list of the wealthiest public servants from the senate,
house and executive branch. At a minimum net worth of
62 million dollars and (only 8 on the list) is Donald Rumsfeld.
At the high end, Rumsfeld is worth an eye popping 199 million
dollars and is still not within the top 5. John McCain is 15 with
a minimum of 25 million and maximum of 38 million, (how the fuck
does someone who spent 7 years as a POW get to be
worth at least 25 million bucks?)

By the way, the village idiot is worth a minimum of 15 million.
(from sale of Texas rangers for which he put in 500,000 and he
had to borrow that half a million from daddy’s friends)


Holy shit! :astonished: Herb has some bucks. Who the fuck is he?

Well, they do get to vote on how much we pay them. We don’t get to say what their salary should be. Shame on you for questioning their integrity. we all know that they work their butts off for us. it is hard work telling people what to do and accpepting bribes, er, gifts.

Don’t you realize they know more than us. We can’t possibly know just how much salary they need to live in the lap of luxury. So those poor kids don’t have heat or food in the winter. It makes them tougher and better citizens, just knowing their fearless leaders are soaking in a multimillion dollar sauna eating caviar and shitting in a toilet that cost 800 dollars, even though that toilet looks like a home depot one.

These are our leaders paid servants of the people, they need to be comfy so they can make the wize laws that bind us and tie us up into their sheep pens. We need this, it is for our own good and protection, we are to ignorant. These hardworking servants need their selfjustified luxurious salaries. We certainly don’t need our own money and we wouldn’t know how to spend it wisely so, they take care of it for us. Baaaaahhhhhhhhh