yesterday elections

So what is the origin of life? Do you perhaps have a better answer than the Intelligent Desgin theorists? I’d love to hear it…

naysay: I certainly do. It also has more evidence to back up its claims than ID does, which isn’t saying much…

Kropotkin: I have read the above and I say I am a convert.
I do believe in the flying spagatti monster as the sole creator
of the universe. I thank you greatly for changing my life.
soon you shall see me at the airport with a shaved head
begging for donations for my new found religion.


The point that the two of you (Peter and Fthe) keep missing is that
a) scientific proof requires faith, it is not opposite to faith in anything but the minds of atheist critics, who should know better (re-read your Hume for a good place to start)
b) ID has all sorts of scientific backing as it offers an answer (albeit almost entirely speculative) to certain questions which other theory (evolution included) has failed to answer.

So, if either of you has an argument as to why ID is less scientific than evolution then present it. And remember, if you bring politics into it then your argument is invalidated…

You know, I could keep going, but I’m tired. Maybe tomorrow, but ID just isn’t Creationism repackaged.
There’s even a theory (hard to prove this kinda stuff) that the founding fathers were of the “Watch/Clock maker” school of belief.

But, I gotta say, when you see a line like:

from Tony Soprano, you gotta be worried!