You can never analyze nothing. Why?


You can never analyze nothing because nothing cannot be viewed as your self.

I don’t understand what you mean. Can you please explain to me? i am curious.

You can see nothing as something as Eastern mystics do. My bowl must contain nothing that is soup before I can put soup into it.

Ierrellus - mysticism is the exception, yes. Since the goal of mysticism is the expulsion of any discernment, “nothing” is the same as “everything”. Zen stories, for instance, are the steppingstones to this state of consciousness, and, in a way, represent an analysis. But it’s an analysis that seeks to dissolve itself.

I love those ego-deflating koans!

“Nothing” is a tricky term. I thought I remembered learning that quantum physics stresses that a balance is disturbed when a measurement of something is taken.

The reason we think of nothing as nothing is because we are a biased, being made up of matter. It’s odd that we choose to label matter as something, considering it takes up only a miniscule portion of our universe. Definitely much more of the other stuff…this so called “nothing.”

Check ot “The Cloud of Unknowing”.

Well, dorky, when it comes to soup, I think it’s useful to know the difference between something and nothing. It may seem arbitrary, but if it is, then so are our dietary requirements.

Very true, I assure you I’m on a “matter only” diet.

So no-thing is the absense of some-thing.

Well, nit-picky scientists claim that pouring soup into my bowl displaces the air that was filling the bowl before I intervened. Air is not-soup and not-nothing. In that case, nothing does not exist. and I can analyze the things we claim to be nothing. It all depends on whether or not one believes things exist everywhere.

I was corrected in an earlier post that scientists predict nothing doesn’t exist anywhere, because there will always be electro-magnetic fields, amongst others, occupying all the corners of space…as far as we know.

Now black holes…not my specialty.

What about ones and zeroes? If the universe is dual, surely it is a duality of on and off, matter and non matter. You can’t know things about non matter, they’re only zeroes, spacetime placeholders. Right?