You can't change the world

The man who tries to change the world via the internet has less of an effect on it than the man whose only noteworthy activity in life is the ingestion of his own fæces.

What about the guy who decided to have a national database of missing children or wanted criminals accessible to the public via the internet?

Novelty items trapped in an endless bit stream.

Sweep is correct, you cannot “change the world” … least of all through the intarwebs.

But the world might change you…

You give the world too much credit. “The world” is unconcerned with the presence of any of us. We are simply the expression of a terminating process without direction.

Maybe that the world is unconcerned is making you bitter. Does that count as change?

That’s not the first time I’ve heard that tossed my direction.

Why is it that putting “is” before “ought” is a sign of bitterness in the perspective of many?

That the world “is” predisposed to a certain manner of operation, seen through historical redundancy, should simply be understood.

Who is to say I am bitter? Who is to say that my expressions haven’t always been bitter? Who is to say that their version of bitter, is the same as my own accepted version of bitterness? Perhaps your bitter, is my lucid ecstasy.


Information changes people, thus changes the world.

So you agree that the world changes you? And you don’t want to talk about your bitterness/esctacy? :smiley:

I am reality.
I think reality changes itself, yes.
Lost of interaction.

The bitterness is probably poison,
And esctacy cannot be where there is freedom.

That’s just using the net to improve existing procedures. I’m talking about people who think they can swing elections with blogs, stop wars with online petitions, etc. When a “big debate” takes place on the Internet, all that happens is that the participants get their arbitrary opinions off their chests. The pen-pushers who make the actual decisions will probably never read a word of what they wrote.

Very true.

It’s that truth again.
I’ve got my toilet paper near.
I’m ready this time.

If a single person could control the world, that would not be a very stable world, would it? If one pissy little man wanted everything to be a certain way other than what is, that sudden change would destabilize and destroy nearly everything.

If it has energy, it has direction.

It’s recycling, not terminating.

I don’t wish to change the world, that would possibly be the most futile effort I could do. I stick with the things with in my grasp… that makes much more sense and it is easier. Help one person and they may help another…

Sometimes dreams can be too big. I just hope to not get nuked or catch a pandemic disease or become the victim of bio warfare. I would rather get run over by a runaway deer herd or school bus.

That’s the most sensible thing anyone can do, KW. In your own “mini world” you can change the world!

I never agreed to any such fallacy. I am learning to embrace the absurdity through lucid dialog, from which ecstasy can be derived.

The process is a habituation in macroscopic scale, my life is a microcosm. What “is”, no matter how absurd, is all there “is”.

That post is high commendable and I like it. :slight_smile:

You’re right about this. I used to fill out these surveys for points,(which i used to get a radar detector) on the internet called harrispollonline or something. I totally just checked the boxes and didn’t even read them. Just as fast as I could do them to get point to get this radar detector.

Much later I subscribed to email newsletters from the republican and democrat national committees. I got one where Howard Dean was ranting and raving about Bush and was reading right along, then he threw in a statistic and cited the Harris Poll online. Given how I completed the surveys that they sent to me, this took away alot of credibility from his message in my eyes.

There is no world, only perception of it. The internet is a great means to changing people’s perceptions.

I’m talking about big changes. It goes without saying that small/neglible changes are easily achievable on the web.

Dear Chimney:

Big changes are not always good changes.

Everything is fine, other than that which people project their own lackings and unfulfilled desires upon.