You know that they cry

Why all the perishing? Why reap this planet like the rapists they make of us? The farmers, the toxic industry of death. How do we manage to let it happen? Why not feed and preserve? Difficult, annoying questions. Sorry to trouble you with them. I can’t help but to raise this thing I thought about on the way back in the car from this place called Groningen, where a lecture was given about Active Environment Economcs.

“There is a scientific silence before the storm, as we find ourselves in this young cusp of the millennium - where nature will soon be revealing her true nature to us, we find now only the limitless possibilities of illusion.” - Prof. Jan de Boer

  • Sure Jan, I thought. But what about the great poetry? Zarathuatra? Romeo &Juliet? The marriage of Heaven&Hell? All &'s? Duality? The Veil is the Magic, Jan. Use your imagination, Jan.
    Is not Illusion Nature in her natural form? - - - >A tempting statement.
    Bear with me for an expansion of this perspective.
    The Artist Tyrant would doubtlessly agree to that fact, aware of the constant presence of camera’s. Mistakenly, man has assumed that the tyrants stands behind stage. We need only look at Hitler and know this is impossible. True tyrants cannot be ignored when they are passed in the streets. When one sees a Caesar one sees a mighty intrusion on one’s privacy. --------------> Why do we let them die?
    Because we have no menbers in our species who have the audacity to command nature. We have no prosperous men pf genius who are ethically healing and morally unbound -
  • and why do we not have natural tyrants? The prophet formerly known as Elaia has provided enough meat to chew on in that respect.
    For now.

I will personally never seek to enhance man in respect of his genes. I will live to enhance nature giving my talents of exploitation to her divine beauty, and drink only from her raw bosom, not reap from the beauty I help create.
I will stay true to the Earth; I will stay far from the master-race.
Nature is my only master. The Father am I.

Did that sound bombastic?
Go chew grass.