Your favorite quotes

“It is easy for a fortunate person to be humble, the real challenge is when a less fortunate person smiles through a world of darkness” - AEO

By daily dying I have come to be. ~Theodore Roethke

One day, someone showed me a glass of water that was half full. And he said, “Is it half full or half empty?” So I drank the water. No more problem.
~Alexander Jodorowsky

[tab]:lol: Rumi might have loved this quote. A little practical wisdom. Short and sweet.[/tab]

Total Recall (2012)
Cohagen: Never underestimate the power of one man.

Scream 2
Mickey: Billy was a sick f*** who tried to get away with it. Mickey is a sick f*** who wants to get caught.

Ripley: It’s not out of the manual is it?

The Winter Soldier
Steve Rogers: It kind of feels personal.