Your internet philosophic career - where you at..?

No, that’s what you’re doing.

Just out of curiosity are you literally a kid? :wink:

They used to call static points of view- Idea Fixee.
Not that it is not functional, but it does not create waves, sinal or otherwise, it’s simply too linear.

The great debate between objectivists and subjectivist, never the less can be reduced to conceptual precedence of one over the other.

The baby does not know his subject, in the sense of knowing, but rather what he sees is someone else. Later he learns it is indeed himself.

at some later point he identifies himself with that other.

I’d join in, but I had iambiguous on ignore, and whenever I click on the tab to unignore him I get a redirect virus to adware for Nigerian Viagra.

Well, now, you know: taste for champagne, budget for beer.

That Nigerian Viagra really works, I’ve had a erection for a week straight and ran three marathons in that time. Gives the spandex a areodrnamic curve, allowing the pelvis to cut through air faster. And people honk and point all the time, I’m really getting a lot of notice by neighboring communities as I pass down the center line on the road during rush hour. Made a lot of friends, and seen quite a few women raise their eyebrows at me. Helps my self esteem considerably.

I am really glad you’re still alive, proof positive that you can still run. What if, like Kant, you are willing to scale same mountain day after day, not in the sysyphusian sense, but taking the same daily hike in Koningsburg every day, over and over and over and over…AnD never getting bored of it? Quite an achievement.simple but sweet. Next stop: Wagner and Nietzche.

I don’t like Europe, they sold penis erasers in the airport at Hamburg. So unlikely to hike their gay mountains.

Did Wagner stick a penis eraser into Nietzsche?

No he could not. He was too far gone with guilt, of simulation. You can never go back from simulation to the real thing.

Why did Wagner feel guilt?

That can’t be good! :wink:

Note to others:

I don’t have anyone on ignore. Please offer a few suggestions regarding those that should be.

Because he knew redemption was a farce. A farce unshared, a lonely simulation, which Wagner only felt too well. He felt hypocritically amazed that he would place an objective truism, in advance of the subjective dilemma. But then, he was afraid, to tout the early onanistic simulation so very advanced ahead of his time. Madness, he would have no part of.

How does this stop you from sticking pencils up the holes of house guests? Did Nietzsche complain about Wagner’s unwillingness to do so? Let down? Dissapointed? Rest of the family regularly got it, why not the adopted son in love with his daughter?

There is no debate. There are no “moral objectivists”. The old fart that is Biguous simply made them up.

There are people who think he’s an idiot. That’s what there is. And there is a desire for revenge on his part that can be realized in no other manner than fictional-theoretical.

He’s basically desperately trying to demonize these people up inside his head.

He will take the slightest detail and interpret it in a way that suits him.

e.g. Satyr did not post for a few weeks, therefore Satyr realized he was wrong all along.

Old people are fundamentally not much different from children.

I certainly went through all those stages in the OP. Gigantic waste of time in hindsight, though fun and amusing, if not particularly educational.

I mostly just shitpost on /pol/ now.

All I can say is that, as a psychologist, you’ll make a great philosopher.

Or is it the other way around?

I’m merely curious as to why he has virtually disappeared of late from KT. I like being lectured by him.

Oh, and just as my challenge to him to take our “failure to communicate” back to the agora, I challenge you in turn to have a go at it here in the ILP philosophy forum. A straight up battle of the minds as it were. Only entirely civilized.

You choose the subject.


That made me laugh out loud and begs the question: Do you usually shave at the time you shaved that day? But it’s nice to know that it’s important to you how you look when you address me even though I can’t see you.

Perhaps we have to make it more about who a person is inside their self. I notice here at times with people, myself included, that we can begin by liking/respecting someone and then something happens, a remark, a post, not taken the right way, and then voila that like/respect goes out the window. It’s like we discover that we never really knew that person at all which in reality was always the way it was. So, perhaps it’s more about how we ourselves conduct ourselves and go out to meet others despite what we’ve discovered. But being human, it isn’t easy. It’s such a difficult, letting-go-of-ego type of thing. That so-called halo effect does a number on us.

Bessy must have left before I landed in ILP.

Hmmm…I don’t know about that, Tab. I think it was Mr. Reasonable - you knew him as Smears, who once asked me: “Why are you so combative, Arc?” I think I might have a tendency at times to be combative - when there is something which I hold as too important to back down from.


I know what an abstract concept is, for instance, God, but hmm, sometimes it’s not so simple to distinguish between my showing my claws and my combative nature. There are times when the distinction gets a bit blurry for me. After all, I am a dragon you know and dragons can’t always tolerate certain things. lol

Actually, I don’t like when someone is condescending and says the above and aren’t being honest about it.
I don’t need to be right (though it can be a pleasurable experience :evilfun: ) and in so many cases in here it isn’t about being right but what is “more” right or at least appears to be.
I can sometimes sense when my ego is rising up or my impatience. I can also see where I “have been” insofar as certain beliefs go where others are now and it isn’t always easy for me to present my views in the here and now. Even though I know that I have “been there”, so i can understand where they are "coming from, ought I to stop myself from pointing out my views now? After all, this is a P forum.

Beautifully said, Tab. That is called wisdom.
So good to have you back, even if for a little while.

Except for proven facts - maybe.