what’s your political party? well, it sucks.
here’s why; parties are all about partisan hackery.
it isn’t debate.
it isn’t truthful.
it isn’t honest.
it’s propaganda!
take any one of Bush’s contested decisions during his term in office. do i think he believed he was doing the right thing? absolutely. same goes for Clinton and his decisions. but the lies they spin and the attacks they barrage their opponents with are knowingly just that, lies. they do whatever they can to make others look bad to the public so they can gain more support, warrented or not. they’ll say whatever they have to in order to get their way.
worst of all, hardly anyone seems to care. in fact, how many times, reading through these posts do you see it happening here? why do so many people fall in line of this mindless partisanship to blindly reiterate what their higher-ranking politians are spewing out? must we question every little detail of a person’s argument in order to get to the facts? please folks, stop disguising, covering up, hiding, twisting, spinning, or flat out lying about facts in order to make a better argument. if your argument’s facts don’t stand up to scrutiny, maybe it’s a bad argument. but stop knowingly deceiving others to make yourself look better. what does winning an argument really mean to you when you realize that it was actually the weaker argument that won?
not everything can be broken down into left or right, liberal or conservative, red or blue. nothing should be either! there are a million ways to look at one issue. democrat and republican are just two of those ways. analyze it for yourself. take in some opinions from others. test your own opinions against the scrutiny of others. eventually, you’ll have a sound argument, a logical one, an honest one. obviously, this requires effort and thinking for one’s self. maybe this is too much to ask of partisan hacks. easier to follow than to blaze one’s own trail, i suppose.