Your Top Ten Movies All Time

That wasn’t bad.

I was never a big fan of Matt Damon, altho I really liked him in The Talented Mr. Ripley, but that was in the 90s.

Hooray for Hollywood!!! :laughing:


American Psycho
Gangster No 1
The Believer
Sexy Beast
The Road
The Wrestler
There Will Be Blood
No Country for Old Men

Those two are great, incredible acting in No Country, best Cohen brothers, I think, and the least cartoony. Daniel Day Lewis in Blood was amazing and the young actor, Paul Dano, manages to go toe to toe with him.

I liked both the Coen’s farcical stuff like the Big Lebowski and their more serious stuff like No Country.
Yea, what can you say about Day Lewis that hasn’t been said.
The guy’s compelling, brilliant, passionate and intense, and yea surprisingly Paul Dano held his own with him.
I should check out what Dano’s been up to lately.

I always think of Blood and No Country together…probably because they’re both amazing, grim, about greed and came out the same year.

Im re watching the whole Bourne series now.
Its really not bad at all.

The music is genius.

Not necessarily a Matt Damon fan but man does he carry himself well in these things.

Yes, I think he does well in those films. I enjoyed them very much and the Jeremy Renner splitoff. I think it is basically true for all of us. Mind control though not in the focused sense he received it, and then, if you have the guts and skill, breaking out of this so one is not used.