Your wealth, your fame and your power in this world are absolutely useless in the upper world.
Shankara (Human Incarnation of Lord) was also an exceptional case in the education even in His childhood. But, all His exceptional talent was diverted to the right goal in the childhood itself. Shankara lived for thirty-two years only. Sometimes we find in newspapers the information about a person who lives more than one twenty years with great grand children. If you compare these two lives, one is a small bright lamp and the other is very wide intensive darkness. What is the use of life without realizing the real and ultimate aim of the human birth? People are always concerned about illness and death only. It does not matter whether someone lived for a long time or someone lived for a short time. It is immaterial whether a person had a particular disease or other. The only point that stands at the end is the achievement of God’s grace in the human life.
In one institution the academic year ended by March. In some other institution the academic year ended by July. In the first institution some holidays were given and in the other holidays were not so many. All these are not big points. The point that is left over at the end is that which institution got good results. The life has to end today or tomorrow and it has to end due to some illness.
Death is inevitable. It may be today or tomorrow or day after tomorrow. How does it matter? The success in the spiritual effort achieved during the human life is going to stand finally in the judgment of God. Similarly, the materialism up to the basic needs of yourself and your family is inevitable. A little more than the actually needed is also not wrong. But some people concentrate all their time only on work, work and work only. Such work only has the worldly goals like earning wealth, fame, power etc., only. Your wealth, your fame and your power in this world are absolutely useless in the upper world. Every body is always worried about the worldly matters only like wealth, welfare of family, fame, politics and power etc.,