Have they not heard?
Nietzsche is dead!
The madman jumped into their midst and pierced them with his eyes. “Whither is Nietzsche?” he cried; "I will tell you. We have killed him—you and I. All of us are his murderers.
The corpse rots but interesting shadows are pushing underneath…
Upon hatching, the larval ichneumon feeds either externally or internally, killing the host when they themselves are ready to pupate.
Certain species of Ichneumon wasp inject their brood into other creatures. They grow. The form may remain but the larvae chew and grow fat on the content until the form is just a stretching membrane around things, seething with life- growing fat, white from lack of light – teeming, swarming, …. multiplying.
Deleuze was always a big fan of buggery; taking Hegel from behind.
With Nietzsche – you can’t even get that far – the height, the solitude beats ya back – confusing and defeating you like a system of carnival mirrors.
If Nietzsche is to be “takenâ€, proletarianised – made available to the rag tag motley: us ordinaries – a job must be done with infinite care and patience.
We must move like burglars.
Buddhism evolved from Hinduism.
But it happened in a quite clever way.
Every term from Brahman, Atman, Jivatman, Samsara, Karma, Dharma left carefully and precisely as was.
Each one gradually became a hollowed out shell – most, eventually, turned precisely to their opposites.
The external edifice, the facade stays up –but the content is chomped up by a wriggley crew of maggots.
Eternal recurrence, superman and perspectivism all the words will remain on the outside.
But the nobility, the solitude, the higher altitudes and all or most the content must go or be altered beyond belief.
Onwards maggots, motleys, ranters, proletarian, levelers, ignoramuses, commoners, thieves, tramps, whores and pirates!
Start reading – start chewing.
Nietzsche for the masses!
Bring Nietzsche down.
For a people’s republic of Nietzsche!
It has been related further that on the same day the madman forced his way into several churches and there struck up his requiem aeternam deo. Led out and called to account, he is said always to have replied nothing but:
“What after all are these churches now if they are not the tombs and sepulchers of Nietzcshe?”
(modified Nietzsche quotes from : Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science (1882, 1887) para. 125; Walter Kaufmann ed. (New York: Vintage, 1974), pp.181-82.] – used without permission!)