back to the beginning: morality

Survival is not that simple…half the time, its not even so obvious what is needed to survive…and survival is not perfectly aligned with procreation and passing your genes…and just because you impregnated a woman does not automatically mean your children will arrive…and when they arrive that they will survive…and when they survive that they will thrive…do you need to attempt to thrive to survive???and why is survival automatically desirable???cockroaches are expertly adapted to survival…you see a man drowning…how do you decide if to risk your own neck and help him???ask the autistic idiots what they would do…everybody knows where this sick utilitarian and bizarre selfish morality comes from…its an articulation of ill and paranoid minds of their own convictions about what is moral and how they will act…autistic sicko has no empathy…all me, me, me…a paranoid kook thinks the same for a different reason…for him, everybody is a potential enemy and the only way to act is to act as if everybody is your enemy already…so not much empathy there too…all me, me, me…sickos…these idiots think selfless acts of bravery and initiative are pathetic and a result of mental ilness…a man seeing a grandmother beaten by 6 gangbangers in a parking lot and rushing in to save her heroically is a mentally ill kook and an inferior thrashbag to them… :-$ :-$ :-$ tread lightly…and keep barking…if i ever see your mother raped by a man with a knife I will simply call the police and then watch her until the police arrive…maybe i will even take out a camera and encourage the rapist to pump her harder so as to not annoy him and increase my chances of survival and morally accomplishing my objectives…then, maybe, i will have a second think about what my objectives are and cut my ballsack off to stay true to my new morality which I thought up to be an objective of never becoming a rapist…morality is what your objectives are…remmember kids…you can change your objectives from a minute to minute, so you can also change your morality as you please…its enough to think your new morality into being…but remember,morality is OBJECTIVE… :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Once again, he creates the same ridiculous “what if” imaginary culture, and asks us to imagine the consequences of it. All the while completely avoiding the points I raised above.

Another typical [but strange] thing.

Every time I quote something from him on one of his threads there, he will often deluge his KT clique/claque with new posts. Why? Because he’s hoping that I will quote still more from him. Why? Because that brings his turgid intellectual contraptions/reactionary political prejudices here…to a “wider audience”.

And yet as lorikeet here he can respond to my points anytime. He can expose to this “wider audience” why I am a retardimbecilemoron.

But he doesn’t. Instead, he configures into Mr. Chickenshit. Why? Because he knows that as a fulminating fanatic objectivist I will make a complete fool out of him here as I once did there. That’s why he “disappeared” me entirely from KT.

On the other hand, it is only 3 months until next Christmas. :laughing:


Is this you?!!! :laughing:

you two are a perfect fit for eachother…two rabid dogs chasing their tails. maybe offer him to mount you from the back so you can chase one tail together instead??? he is right and so are you…no need to show it…we all know and you know it too. arguing means talking to people you agree with only and telling everybody else they are simply wrong.

no…i am actually a parrot and i have multiple autistic owners

He means a rabid parrot of course. [-o<

stop telling people what they mean to say like you know what they mean by what they say better than they do you kook

I believe it is him.

of course it is me. are you scared? what happened to the discord group you invited me to out of blue? if we gonna be buddies we have to treat eachother like ones.

Mr. Chickenshit on steroids!!!

Again, all I can do is note the points I raise that he absolutely refuses to address:

Instead, he has to create this hypothetical boogeyman culture where pedophilia and incest and bestiality are now embraced by the Liberal State and humanity itself is on the brink of extinction.

A suggestion: It’s time he brought Lyssa back to at least rein himself in.

Unless, of course, Maia succeeds. :wink:

Again, it’s not what he posts about me that is nearly as interesting as why he goes off the deep end in his reaction to me. As with Sculptor and Pood and Karpel Tunnel here at ILP, I suspect there is at least a part of him that recognizes I am making inroads in chipping away at his own value judgment dogmas. His own precious, arrogant is/ought Self. He’s getting closer himself to a fractured and fragmented “I”…and reacts to the one bringing this about as he does.

Are you saying the only reason humans in human societies deem and treat and view pedophilia, necrophilia, and homosexuality differently than they view heterosexuality is that they have been indoctrinated ideologically by a system of value judgments, ie. ideology???

Uh, anyone else?

I don’t exchange posts with fulminating fanatics that put even Satyr to shame. :laughing:

Just because you don’t like me does not make me insane dullard or just because you or any other kook says I am insane does not automatically prove it …I can say I am yellow …and have ant wings dullard…go fondle your daddy, truth is that you are scared and so are the kts twinks so you gypsy bandwagon just call me a name and move on since you have no honour nor interest in the truth, silent days are bitches tactic no??? agree to collectively ignore and censor so that there is no chance your collective bullshit fantasy gets spilled…its called a circle jerk friend…

wrong thread

The Death of Morality
Moral Fictionalism
Richard Joyce on what happens when falsehoods are too useful to throw out.

First, the “intellectual contraption” argument:

In my view, the “pickle” will always be there. Only, for me, that is derived from the manner in which I construe the “self” here as “fractured and fragmented”. On the other hand, what can epistemologists tell us definitively about this? What can we know objectively about human identity here as subsumed more or less in dasein or in deontology.

I merely make the assumption that morality is just the philosophical equivalent of “rules of behavior” in a world where there is no “for all practical purposes” choice other than to reward and punish particular behaviors in particular contexts.

There’s no getting around this in any specific community. Only the extent to which this revolves more around might makes right, right makes might or moderation, negotiation and compromise.

Then the existential context:

Not exactly the context I would prefer. After all, how many of us have come across a situation where this particular “conflicting good” became a moral conflagration on the order of those that often pop up “on the news”? And of course it merely assumes [as with God and religion] that astrology is bunk.

But here we are…

This pops into my head: “It depends on the context.” Besides, how terrible can the consequences be when anyone “utters the sentence ‘Sagittarians are characteristically optimistic’”?

Instead, given a particular context, it is when the consequences can be dire if you rub people the wrong way with your own moral conviction that tends to preoccupy me the most. For example living in a totalitarian or theocratic regime where not toeing the line can get you arrested…or executed.

I find it amusing that you use words like conflagration and yet dont know basic English grammar and punctuation rules and your sentences and paragraphs resemble those of a bad high school student.

Conflagration should be quoted, viz., “conflagration.”

There should be a comma after the word “conflagration.”

You wrote “dont.” The word you want is “don’t.”

There should be a period after the words “punctuation rules,” and then you need to start a new sentence, omitting the word “and.”

“bad high school student” isn’t correct, because you are using a compound modifier. It should be as follows: “bad high-school student.” (Note the necessary hyphen.)

Other than those five errors … :laughing: :laughing:

Not only that but he doesn’t strike me as a nice guy at all.

Now, that might not be immoral, of course, but some no doubt will insist that it ought to be. :sunglasses:

Haha all these grammar corrections are pulled out of your arse hahaha you two are funny lol dumb and dumber, nutter and nuttier… and even if I made these supposed mistakes, you are missing the point completely…